Sunday, 1 March 2009

Irish PM fires a warning shot at anti-Lisbon groups
Forbes - NY,USA
... faced a defining moment in its relationship with the European Union as an opinion poll showed strong support for the Lisbon treaty on European reform. ...
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Yellow Stars pro Europe blog: The purpose of Poland's missiles
By ESLaPorte
I have an author that claims that the European Union can, indeed, have its own independent - from -NATO defense and security policy, complete with institutional structures, WITHOUT the need for yet another amended treaty. ...
Yellow Stars pro Europe blog -
BELLACIAO - yes we can - yes we can
By anonymous
By focusing on the EMU negotiations, this article ignores the other parts of the Treaty on European Union signed at Maastricht which contain important provisions on foreign policy, institutional reform, and justice and home affaire ...
Update 3-Ireland signals radical overhaul of financial services ...
In another nod to European partners and a referendum later this year on the European Unions reform treaty, Cowen reminded delegates that the eurozone was an economic harbour for Ireland. We could never have contended with this financial ... Czech PM urges EU leaders not ... Clinton to Mideast and Europe ... Update 3-Ireland signals radic... AIG near deal on new terms of ... RPT-Canada open to automaker a... Canada open to automaker aid a... Buffett says U.S. Treasury bub. ...
Financial 24 - Top News -
Grahnlaw: European Parliament: Political groups run the show
By Grahnlaw
The first paragraph of Article 197 of the Treaty establishing the European Community (TEC) as well as the future(?) Lisbon Treaty Article 14(4) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) let the European Parliament decide freely on most of ...
Grahnlaw -