Monday, 2 March 2009

JP Morgan Chase Continues Foreclosure Proceedings Despite Promised Freeze

'Can we trust the banks? I guess we are leaning the answer to that question - or we will soon enough. As part of the Fighting for Our Homes Campaign, we documented the story of Gaila, who is being foreclosed upon by wholly-owned JP Morgan Chase subsidiary, EMC Mortgage.

Gaila said an eviction notice was posted on her property this past weekend - while the supposed 'freeze on foreclosures' was in effect. In Gaila's case however - betraying the 'freeze' is a minor offense compared to the havoc JP Morgan Chase's EMC is wreaking across the country.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

UK Ministers Refuse to Appear Before Human Rights Panel

'Foreign Secretary David Miliband and Home Secretary Jacqui Smith have both refused to appear before Parliament's human rights committee to answer questions about allegations of British collusion in the torture of British citizens and residents detained during counter-terrorism operations in Pakistan.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

The Snake Dancing Broadcasting Mind Control

'We're told that certain people are our enemies but our real enemies are the people telling us this. We're told that certain things are bad for us but these things aren't even as bad as the things they tell us we can have and which they make and sell to us so that we can hear the lies better and to put us in the mood to agree with the lies which cause us to injure ourselves and each other.

The people who tell us these lies all went to school together and they learned to speak a certain language so that they can say things to each other that we won't understand. While they were in their special schools they had their humanity removed so that they could do things that no human being would even consider because they have no conscience to inhibit their behavior.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

CFR Professor Reveals Plot for Military Coup in 2012

'During the FIU New World Order Summit, a professor at the school named Dr. Mark B Rosenberg raised the concern during a panel session about the possibility of a military coup taking place in the United States by the year 2012. This was not theorizing, he was simply citing a study that took place at the Army War College.

He explained that this rebellion would be a response to the military being overextended and being put to a use by the administration in a manner that is contrary to their official purpose. The invited speaker of the panel,paraq Khanna, treated the concern as if it was nonsense and dismissed it by asking the audience "Have any of you heard of this? No? Okay then".'


( - During the FIU New World Order Summit, a professor at the school named Dr. Mark B. Rosenberg raised the concern during a panel session about the possibility of a military coup taking place in the United States by the year 2012. This was not theorizing, he was simply citing a study that took place at the Army War College.

He explained that this rebellion would be a response to the military being overextended and being put to a use by the administration in a manner that is contrary to their official purpose. The invited speaker of the panel, Parag Khanna, treated the concern as if it was nonsense and dismissed it by asking the audience "Have any of you heard of this? No? Okay then."

It is interesting to note that both Dr. Rosenberg and Parag Khanna are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank dedicated to the purpose of establishing a one world government. Could Dr. Rosenberg's statement exposing the white paper on the coup plot have been an example of dissent within the ranks of the CFR?

After the summit, Joshua from Orlando 9/11 Truth called into the Alex Jones show to relay the information (1:08:29 seconds into the 2/25/09 episode). An attentive listener managed to track down the actual document that Dr. Rosenberg was referring to, and you can read it below.

Monday, 02 March 2009

The Secret Government

'A small number of extremely wealthy people, descendants of wealthy families in Europe and the U.S, own a major part of the material wealth of the world. This power is concentrated in London which is the centre of the world banking system. The control they exercise is kept within the original families and passed down from generation to generation. They are highly organised, operating in secret through a web of 'private' organisations.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

Multiculturalism: A Way To Divide and Conquer

'No nation is born multicultured. Multiculturalism is an unnatural as well as unhealthy condition that can only afflict states in national decline. A multicultural state carries in it's genes the seeds of eventual national destruction.

All multicultural nations will be found to be in a state of political, moral, economic and social decay. Greed and corruption will characterize the government coupled with oppressive measures directed against citizens. Lies and deceit will be stock and trade of media, politicians, and educational institutions. Such are the bellwethers of a multiculturalist advent.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

Radio Chip Coming Soon to Your Driver's License?

'Privacy advocates are issuing warnings about a new radio chip plan that ultimately could provide electronic identification for every adult in the U.S. and allow agents to compile attendance lists at anti-government rallies simply by walking through the assembly.The proposal, which has earned the support of Janet Napolitano, the newly chosen chief of the Department of Homeland Security, would embed radio chips in driver's licenses, or "enhanced driver's licenses."

"Enhanced driver's licenses give confidence that the person holding the card is the person who is supposed to be holding the card, and it's less elaborate than REAL ID," Napolitano said in a Washington Times report. REAL ID is a plan for a federal identification system standardized across the nation that so alarmed governors many states have adopted formal plans to oppose it. However, a privacy advocate today told WND that the EDLs are many times worse.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

The Zionist Nexus Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis

'The current financial crisis, like 9-11, did not just fall out of the sky.  Rather, both 9-11 and the financial melt-down are the results of decades of planning and preparation.  President Clinton's denial of responsibility for the current economic crisis notwithstanding, it was his administration, indeed, his special adviser, the Israeli son-of-a-terrorist Rahm Emanuel, who took credit for single-handedly pushing the economically treasonous NAFTA bill through Congress. 

That a president from the pro-labor Democrat party would support a bill designed to destroy the jobs of millions of working Americans as it devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector is something that the mainstream media has never addressed.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

The Economic Collapse: How It Was Engineered

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Monday, 02 March 2009

The U.S. Economy: Designed to Fail

'President Barack Obama showed a great deal of gumption in standing before Congress last night delivering his first speech to the joint assembly. All the trappings of power were on display as members of the House and Senate, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs, the Cabinet, and the VIP guests hugged and waved at each other, radiant in their tailored attire only two nights after the Hollywood stars put on their own show on Oscar night. 

Too bad neither the president, nor Vice President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi applauding on the podium behind him, nor the jubilant Democrats with their solid majorities, nor the grumpy Republicans slouching in the minority across the aisle, know what they are doing as economic extinction stares the United States of America in the face.'


Monday, 02 March 2009

Economy Shrinks At Staggering Rate

'The prospects for an economic recovery by year's end dimmed, as government data showed that the economy contracted at the end of 2008 by the fastest pace in a quarter-century. The worse-than-expected data fueled doubts about whether the Obama administration had adequately sized up the challenges it faces in trying to pull the country out of recession.'

Read more ... 

Monday, 02 March 2009

Propping Up a House of Cards

'Next week, perhaps as early as Monday, the American International Group [AIG] is going to report the largest quarterly loss in history. Rumors suggest it will be around $60 billion, which will affirm, yet again, A.I.G.’s sorry status as the most crippled of all the nation’s wounded financial institutions. The recent quarterly losses suffered by Merrill Lynch and Citigroup — “only” $15.4 billion and $8.3 billion, respectively — pale by comparison.'

Read more ... 

Sunday, 01 March 2009

Tycoons tumble as ailing China turns against capitalism

'The richest man in China has ended up in police custody and other “red billionaires” have plunged into debt or political disgrace as the communist nation’s flirtation with capitalism turns sour. Meanwhile, millions of ordinary Chinese have lost their shirts in the stock market after share prices collapsed, and at least 20m workers have lost their jobs due to the recession.'

Read more ...

Sunday, 01 March 2009
Iran's uranium 'enough for bomb'
(Wow, better send the boys in then, eh?)
'Iran has enough nuclear material to build a bomb, the United States' most senior military commander has said. "We think they do, quite frankly," Adm Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told CNN. "And Iran having a nuclear weapon, I've believed for a long time, is a very, very bad outcome for the region and for the world," he said.'
No darlin', having you as the head of the Joint Chiefs is a very bad outcome for the region and the world.