Monday, 2 March 2009

SecDef Gates tells Head Of US Joint Chiefs Of Staff To Shut Up About Iran's Nukes

An interesting day in DC...

It started off with Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, telling CNN on its “State of the Union” program that he's certainIran has enough nuclear material to make a bomb..which just by coincidence concurs with a recent UN report:

Iran probably already has enough material necessary to make a nuclear weapon, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen said on Sunday.

"We think they do, quite frankly," Mullen told CNN regarding the nuclear material amassed by Teheran thus far. "Iran having a nuclear weapon, I believe, for a long time, is a very, very bad outcome for the region and for the world."

Mullen issued that assessment after the world's nuclear watchdog said last week that it was wrong in earlier reports and now has evidence that Iran has enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon.

So I guess that means that the ridiculous NIE report on Iran last year that claimed they'd curtailed their nuclear program was just the bolshoi I and many others said it was.

But not so fast..SecDef Robert Gates jumped in quickly to make the save:

Iran is not close to having a nuclear weapon, which gives the United States and others time to try to persuade Tehran to abandon its suspected atomic arms program, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Sunday.

"They're not close to a stockpile, they're not close to a weapon at this point, and so there is some time," Gates said on NBC television's "Meet The Press."

Gates' comments followed a televised interview with Adm. Mike Mullen, head of the U.S. military Joint Chiefs of Staff, who told CNN's "State of the Union" that he believed Iran has enough fissile material to make a nuclear bomb.

Nothing to see here, move along...and by the way Admiral, follow orders and keep your trap shut.You want to derail all of the hope n'changediplomacy we have going on here? Just because it hasn't worked for five years doesn't mean it won't, somehow..

The truth is, neither of these men,charged with protecting our country from harm have the least idea what the Iranians have or don't have. One almost gets the feeling that Gates, at least would rather notknow...because then the Obama Administration have to act on it.

What we do know is that Iran has been in a state of war with us for thirty years; that they have violated the non-proliferation treaty with impunity; that they are a rogue nation state that sponsors Islamist terrorism, including the targeting of Americans; that they recently launched a satellite that proves they already have the ballistic missile capability to hit targets in Israel and Europe as well as threaten our oil supplies coming from the Persian Gulf; and that they have threatened to annihilate a US ally.

We went to war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq ( both times) and the Taliban in Afghanistan for far less.

You have to wonder what the plan is here.Does our government figure that the same formula of Mutually Assured Destruction will work with the fanatics in Iran? Or that Iran can be bought off? Or that they will resist the temptation to pass on a nuclear device to one of the Hezbollah cells here in America ? Perhaps over our porous southern border?

Or is it simply that we have an inexperienced hand in the White House who's not sure what he should be doing?