The global warming enthusiasts are seizing the opportunity when
people are worried stiff to turn up the pressure with their failed
religion. I prepared this posting based on the EU’s plans set out
below and then on a totally batty “Today” contribution by some
obscure peer who I’m told was a film producer and as he describes
himself “World Renowned Economist and Expert on the Economics of
Climate Change - Available for speeches with Celebrity Speakers”.
But then another second-rate brain chips in, having flown with much
expenditure of carbon to Chile first. Yes, it’s Charles talking to
some South Americans. It makes a change from talking to the trees. I
These global warming theorists now hide behind the camouflage of
“Climate Change” because they know that global warming is not
happening and that all their theories based on it are worthless. We
see increasing polar ice, global cooling for the whole of this decade
and crop diminution because of the cooling. What leg have they got
to stand on now? Their policies will ruin the economies of the world
and they’ve chosen a damned silly time to promote starvation. They
attack those who deny their facts for denying them but never ever
answer the factual criticisms. They stick to character
assassination. Well two can play at that game! The idea that such
a dim-wit should come to the throne is quite enough to turn people
republican. The man is a royal idiot.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
Green jobs' focus for €105bn in funds to EU regions
BRUSSELS - The European Commission has announced some €105 billion
are to be spent to create ‘green jobs and growth' via the European
Union's cohesion funds - the policy that aims to remove disparities
in wealth across the bloc.
The funds amount to around 30 percent of the EU's regional policy
budget for the 2007-2013 period, and is about three times the sum
allocated for similar works in the previous 2000-2006 budgetary period.
The announcement does not represent any new funds, but rather an
acceleration of the dispersal of previously committed monies. The
speeded up process forms part of the EU's plan to stimulate the
foundering economy.
Much of the announced funds - a tranche of €54 billion - will go to
aid EU member states to comply with European environmental
legislation, while €28 billion will go to water and waste management
improvement schemes.
"In a difficult financial climate, this investment will be
instrumental in creating long-term employment and reviving local
economies, as well as underpinning the EU's commitment to the fight
against climate change," said regional policy commissioner Danuta
Hubner on Monday (9 March) when announcing the funds.
Another €48 billion will be committed to measures aimed at achieving
EU climate objectives and creating a low carbon economy [= wasted
taxes -cs] , including €23 billion for railways, €6 billion for
public transport, €4.8 billion for renewable energy and €4.2 billion
for energy efficiency.
Some €3 billion will also be set aside for the promotion of
environmentally-friendly products and production processes in small
Romania and Bulgaria, for their part, are investing the highest
proportion of cohesion funds on environment-related projects, at 45
percent and 42 percent of their allocation respectively.
“Today”, Radio 4 at 08:42
Effects of climate change happening faster than expected, warns Lord
[This must be the stupidest item ever on “Today’ and that’s saying
a lot- But see the even more stupidly dangerous one that follows - cs]
Lord Stern, Crossbench Peer
Lord Stern warned that the effects climate change were happening
"faster than we thought" [What can his tiny mind be thinking about,
with temperatures falling all round the word, sea levels generally
static and polar ice caps increasing. He’s MAD -cvs] and in his
review of the effects of climate change, but remained confident that
it commitment to the green agenda would remain strong.
"The damage that it spoke of was underestimated, emissions were
increasing faster than we [Who is ‘we’-cs ] thought and the ablity
of the planet to absorb those emissions is less than we thought, and
many of the effect are coming through faster than we
thought,” [They’re not coming through at all! -cs] he said.
“It has stayed on the agenda remarkably well but we have to keep it
there as this economic crisis which has deepened very seriously is
also an opportunity to push ahead much more strongly in laying the
foundations of a green economy,” he added. [That’s a dirty trick to
play -[cs]
Lord Stern also said that he felt that the government was likely to
take further ‘green’ measures to bring the economy out of recession
[How does wasting money help the recession? -cs] , rejecting
criticism that the fiscal stimulus had not been green enough.
“We have still more opportunities here [to push through Green
lonacies which the public doesn’t want -cs] and I think we are likely
to take them,” he said.
Climate change must be tackled before global poverty, says Prince
The Prince of Wales has delivered a fierce attack on those who doubt
climate change and said it must be tackled before world poverty.
By Andrew Alderson in Santiago
The Prince spoke at a dinner in hosted by Michelle Bachelet, the
President,[of Chile -cs] for 300 guests from the world of politics,
business and the arts.
“How can we begin to address poverty if we haven't first ensured our
planet is habitable?” he said.
“If we do nothing, the consequences for every person on this earth
will be severe and unprecedented - with vast numbers of environmental
refugees, social instability and decimated economies: far worse than
anything which we are seeing today.”
The Prince said Chile was witnessing “the terrifying effects of
global warming, including the shrinking of nearly 90 per cent of your
“Ladies and gentlemen, in the light of such evidence, and so much
more from across the globe, I find it incomprehensible that there are
those who doubt the science of climate change.
The Prince is taking on an enhanced role [self-appointed role! -cs]
as an international statesman because the British Government wants
him [out of the way? -cs] to do more to promote its key interests
abroad, particularly on climate change and the environment.
Later today the Prince and the Duchess of Cornwall will visit a
vineyard producing organic wine.
He said he believed in action not words. “We must think and act
across boundaries of nation, sector, language and culture, and to do
so now and with resolve.”