Steward of Forvik 1 - HM Customs and Revenue Service 0 'Victory in the first skirmish of what I expect will be a long battle - but who knows? It might be all over by Christmas! After a three-month delay while they considered their position, a letter from HMRC tells me that I do not need to send in Income Tax Self Assessment forms and they have canceled all penalties. They had previously told me that I must pay a penalty unless I have a reasonable excuse for not submitting the forms. This was a legal requirement that must be met. They have now simply canceled the penalty without any evidence of my income. The only reason I have offered for not sending in the forms is that I dispute their authority in Shetland. It seems I am no longer required to submit these forms, so I assume they must have come round to my point of view.It seems that bending the law a little and letting me off the penalty is preferable to having to explain how they get their purported authority, which is what will happen if they continue to pursue me.'
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
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Britannia Radio