Sunday, 1 March 2009

THEY ARE MAKING A STAND.   For 23.4.2009


In this year of two-thousand and nine,

Hoist England’s flag for it is YOURS and mine,

Though there are those would banish it forever

To fly the EU flag here? The answer is NEVER.

Spied on, photographed, many things banned,

But the British at last are making a stand.

For far too long they have been forgotten,

Corruption and hate makes a good apple rotten.

History repeats but our Government goes on.

So sad for this country when all’s said and done.


Sickened we are of EU Regulations,

For an EU ID and enforced registration,

Intimate details to be shared by all?

But our UK Government heads for a fall.

In World War Two, ID Cards were free!

But WE will pay dearly, twix you and me.

We’re branded as criminals for the slightest thing,

A raised waste bin lid and the doorbell will ring,

A dropped sweet wrapper, who would have thought

It would become a CRIME—and all for nought?


The flags of three UK nations are hoisted with pride,

But old England’s flag of St George we must hide.

“Cancel all marches” some Council’s demand

But the people of England are making a stand,

This year they will march carrying high their flag,

The Red Cross on white not in “shame” will they drag.

For Governments are afraid of the “farRight, left and middle,

Without the people behind them, they are in a RIGHT pickle.

For they need our votes come election time?

Where I place my cross, that great pleasure is mine.


But more than that, they need our money,

They have wasted so much, they haven’t any,

They have bled us dry, sadly used it all,

But Brits are at their best, with backs to the wall.

We can no longer afford these two Govern-ments

Nor nine EU Regions or Six Parlia-ments

Chose the EU Anthem or our God Save the Queen,

Then sing loud our Anthem for WE know what it means

For our flag of St George and our Union Jack

Will fly high above, and on the rest, turn our back.


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As this is below is still ‘topical’, I have included this also,


I’ve already had an ID Card.  September 2008xxxxxxxxxxxx ap


I have not asked for an ID Card

     It is voluntarily compulsory I’m told,

But I am tired, worn out and crabby,

     How can I be a terrorist when so old?

I am certainly not paying to have one,

     For I’ve had one before you see.

A card with my name and a number

     The same free one again will suit me.


Long after the war had finished,

     The authorities did finally agree

There was no need to have an ID card

     For all our people at last were FREE.

The time had come to walk down a street

     Without being stopped by police,

Free movement at last, no black out,

     Free from restriction was such a release.


That war was truly real terrorism,

     With bombs raining down day and night,

To our Anderson shelters we’d scuttle,

     To tremble in fear at our plight.

So many died for our freedom,

     Children and small babies too,

I remember how others were separated

     Through the use of ID cards, do you?


Having ID cards didn’t protect us,

     Just as ID cards won’t protect us now,

We fought in that war for our freedom,

    To no stranger would we obey or bow.

I don’t want an ID with my face on,

     No film star can I be taken to be,

For Gee! I am so old and ugly

     Who would want to gaze upon ME?


So many details ‘they’ want off me,

     When for my ID card I’d have to go,

Where I lived, where I was born, etcetera

     Why should strangers now want to know?

These details are not just for our folks,

     They’re to be shared with one and all,

Allegedly secure on a Data Base,

      Yet millions went missing, I recall.

Sadly, I am so old and I cannot remember,

      Where I have been in the past,

So confused, bemused and befuddled

     THEY would regret it was ME they had asked!