Sarkozy Marches France Back Into NATO 'Forty-three years after General de Gaulle threw American forces out of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, his political descendant, is expected to explain to a sceptical nation today why he is taking the country back into the core of the US-led Nato alliance. Mr Sarkozy's decision, outlined after his 2007 election and to be consummated at Nato's 60th birthday summit next month, will restore France's voice in the alliance command that de Gaulle expelled from its Paris headquarters in 1966, along with 100,000 French-based US personnel.' Pedestrians to be Forced to Cross Roads Faster 'Pedestrians will be made to walk faster on crossings under a plan favouring motorists that Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, has proposed.Digital signs that count down the seconds until cars get a green light would be introduced at 6,000 sets of lights. Those on foot will lose up to six seconds of crossing time during each phase.' Serfing the Third Wave 'The plan to bring forth a new soviet man right here in America has become a chilling reality. George Lucas has even called attention to it in his latest installment of Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is set in the 1950's, Indy has been kidnapped by Russians. Mid film his captor, Col. Dr. Irina Spalko, straps Jones to a chair and in a hush voice surrounded by ambient music she softly tells us what we have become, and where we are headed, and if you listen close you'll hear how its been done.' 'Our dreams have been invaded and a frightening reality has been developed. Our leaders and teachers, none of them are as they seem, they have been turned from the inside, and we have been lead along for many generations. We are in the midst of a merger of the Russian and American models, a step closer to forming the perfect system of control. We are being crushed by the third wave of change. It is not coming, it is here.' EU Lunatics Want to Tax Livestock Farts 'Proposals to tax the flatulence of cows and other livestock have been denounced by farming groups in the Irish Republic and Denmark. A cow tax of 13 Euros per animal has been mooted in Ireland, while Denmark is discussing a levy as high as 80 Euros per cow to offset the potential penalties each country faces from European Union legislation aimed at combating global warming.'Wednesday, 11 March 2009 Wednesday, 11 March 2009 Wednesday, 11 March 2009 Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
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Britannia Radio