Yesterday, the Independent cranked up a front-page splash claiming that 400 academics were calling upon the Science Museum to cancel workshops being held this week promoting Israeli scientific achievements to schoolchildren. This was a reference to the 400 or so individuals who signed a letter to the Guardian last month screeching about the indiscriminate slaughter and attempted annihilation of all the infrastructure of organised society in Gaza and that the museum was thus promoting scientists and universities who were complicit in the Israeli occupation and in the policies and weaponry recently deployed to such disastrous effect in Gaza. Such venom is particularly egregious considering Israel’s hugely disproportionate contribution to science for the benefit of all mankind – even that of the 400 signatories. And then of course there were the...Wednesday, 4th March 2009
Science Pogrom Week
It’s Science Pogrom Week.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Posted by Britannia Radio at 09:27