Thursday, 5 March 2009

Biased BBC
Thursday, March 05, 2009
ed thomas #

Brown Broadcasting Corporation

I wonder if the BBC can realise just how pandering this Kevin Connolly article is to Gordon Brown's chosen narrative of his trip to Washington?

Right from the beginning it takes the Brown line:

"Even as the Prime Minister grapples with the catastrophic economic fallout of globalisation, he has been suffering at the hands of the media's own version of it."

Attacks on Brown's blatant showboating are described as "unkind". Brown's economic responsibility is summed up passively and yet personally. Imagine if "you were at the helm when the seeds of recession were sewn". Just imagine. How do you feel about your low poll ratings by the way? Oh, you don't have any poll ratings? Well, try to sympathise with poor Mr Brown, please.

Connolly deserves an anti-Orwell award simply for the risible mixed metaphor of being at the helm when the seeds were sown. You can see why the licence fee is necessary to fund such talent, can't you?

and on, and on until the pathetic "bottom line". In this case it is a Brown bottom. And it stinks of bullshit:

The bottom line for Britain is that lots of foreign leaders come here and any absence of column inches reflects more on Britain's standing than Gordon Brown's

Yeah, right- it is because we is unimportant, not because Gordon's future is as unpromising as his past.


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