BBC can always be relied upon to give the appropriately entitled NUT conference favourable coverage. The Keffiyeh adorned hordes that turn up for this annual circus are now complaining that the government plan to extend "free" nursery care are actually reducing the care children get. How? Well, it seems that some teachers work loads are being increased as a consequence of this policy. Oh dear - that would never do, would it? Perhaps another strike looms - with attendant favourable Beeb coverage? Labels: education, pro trade unions Comments: 8 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # So, with the UK PM mired in sleaze, as Global economies go into meltdown, and with the mad Mullahs in Iran going nuclear, what better time for the BBC to update us on.......the new puppy that Obama has chosen. (It's a Portuguese water dog - given by Ted Kennedy. Yip - you couldn't make it up!). Obama has a water dog and the BBC is a poodle. Labels: Bread and circuses Comments: 13 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Interesting to see how BBC Radio 4 covered the Damian McBride resignation this morning. The line being peddled was that this sort of political "gossip" handles all the time and that the blogosphere which broke the story (Congrats to Guido, of course) is dominated by right wing blogs! There was also a total acceptance of the fabrication that no one else in No. 10 knew anything about McBride's scheming. Even when Brown's cabal has caught out, as in this instance, the BBC can be relied upon to do what it can to preserve those in the bunker. Labels: save gordon Comments: 86 (unread) - Biased BBC HomeBiased BBC Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday, 12 April 2009
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Britannia Radio