Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Breaking News

A swastika was painted on a Jewish fraternity house at the University of Florida.
The father of a kidnapped Israeli soldier says he does not believe his son will be freed in the near future.
President Barack Obama urged Turkish students to help overcome the tendency in the Muslim world to blame Israel.
The Obama administration said Israel's demolition of the Jerusalem home of a terrorist was "unhelpful."
Israel's foreign minister said other governments should stay out of Israeli politics.
More than 50,000 Jews gathered at the Western Wall to recite the once-in-28-years Blessing of the Sun.
At least 16 were injured in a confrontation between Palestinians and settlers from a community still shaken by a recent terrorist attack.
President Barack Obama wished Jews around the world a "chag sameach" and said Passover was a time to ensure freedom for all.
A Jewish soldier from Australia who was killed by Taliban forces in Afghanistan earlier this year has been memorialized in Israel.
Vice President Joe Biden said he did not believe Israel would strike Iran.
The man charged with shooting and killing three Pittsburgh police officers on Saturday believed that the federal government, media and banking system were controlled by Jews.
Israel's counter-terrorism bureau has issued a warning to its citizens to refrain from visiting Sinai.
IDF reservists have asked Israel's attorney general to investigate a major newspaper for publishing testimonies by soldiers alleging human rights violations.