Friday, 3 April 2009
Dear Media:
Below is our schedule for protesting at UN in NYC and in Geneva, and in Jerusalem when the Pope comes to Israel.
Before we go to Jerusalem--- to "Rally to Keep Jerusalem United", when the Pope is there, May 11,,2009, we are also requesting to see Vatican Sec. of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. (See below) on notifying the Vatican of this issue.
The Pope also plans to lend his name and be in Geneva for "Durban II" happening on Hitler's birthday(4/20/09),no less, and helping the forces who cowardly deny the Holocaust....they participated in.
We are also including info on another Catholic Bishop from Brazil. who trivialized the Holocaust , while attacking Jews, once again.
It isn't just the English Bishop who denies the Holocaust,and is part of an order that says that Jews killed Christ, but there is a creeping credibility gap to deny the Vatican's Pope Pius XII, role in supporting Hitler, funding him and helping the Nazi war criminals to escape via the Vatican 'rat line'. Pope Benedict, a Hilter Youth, now wants to make Pius a saint. Pope Brenedict wants to divide Jerusalem, which isn't his to begin with.
"From Hitler to Hamas, ad nauseum, the Holocaust continues".
Yours in Shalom,
Bob Kunst
Pres. Shalom International
Remember the Holocaust and Protest Against the Jew Haters/Israel Haters at "Durban II" (UNazis), who want to finish what Hitler started.
Join Shalom International at "Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day"
Dates: IN N.Y.C.:
April 19, 2009, 2:00P.M. across from UN in, Dag Hammersjold Plaza
Contact: Bruce Ticker, 215-563-8553
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND
April 20 in the late afternoon( we join others) April 21 at 12:00 - 14:00, sponsored by Shalom Int'l.
April 22 at 17:00 to 19:00 for the "Support Israel Rally " (we join with other groups)
Where: Palaise de Nacions, Geneva, Switzerland
Remember the Holocaust where 6 million Jews and 5 million others were slaughtered by those with the same mentality as those cowardly pushing "Durban II"
Remember: From Hitler to Hamas, Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran,etc., the Holocaust continues.
Contact: Bob Kunst, President, Shalom International, Miami Beach, Florida.
Shalom International has now done 99 rallies and 807 media interviews since Oct. 2007, to "Keep Jerusalem United" and to resist the anti-semites and Islamic Nazis, alligned with Hitler in WWII and wanting to finish what Hitler started today.
Sadly, Pope Benedict will also be at "Durban II" in Geneva and Shalom International will hold a huge rally in Jerusalem to "Keep Jerusalem United", when the Pope visits Jerusalem in Israel, May 8-15.
We are following "G-d's Road Map" of a United Israel occupied by Jews for 5000 yrs. and a 'United Jerusalem', occupied by Jews for 3000 yrs.
We have nothing to apologize for and we know there is no peace with those who want to kill us. The UNazis are ignoring and supporting the Jew Haters and Israel Haters at "Durban II" and other criminal politics, in catering to the very countries like Saudi Arabia, who are behind global terrorism, '9/11', and international oil blackmail of the world's economies.
The Genocide in Darfur, the 13,000 Islamic Nazi attacks since '9/11', Iran with nukes, 5million slaughtered in the Congo and all the real horrors the impotent UNazis ignore, so they can attack Jews and Israelis instead.
What a disgrace. What a tragedy. What betrayal and why we protest and expose them for their treachery.....costing so very many lives because of them, again and again!
Dear Italian Consulate in Miami:
Below is our request to meet with Vatican officials. However, if we aren't allowed to, we would like instead to do a news conference in front of the Vatican on Germanico St. at 2P.M. on April 23, 2009.
I guess the question is whether Rome police or Vatican police are in charge at this spot.
Please let us know as soon as possible.
Yours in Shalom, Bob Kunst Pres., Shalom International
Jerusalem has been Jewish for over 3000 years and is our Eternal Capital based on "G-d's Road Map", not the Pope's, EU, UN, Obama,or the Muslims who would never give up Mecca for 'peace', while the world is trying to divide Jerusalem, with the Vatican's leadership, which would mean the end of the Jewish Nation. This is anti-semitism, we oppose.
Subject: Requesting an appointment/news conference
Dear Nuntiususa:
Would it be possible to meet with and do a news conference with the Vatican Sec. of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertune, after 2P.M. on April 23, 2009?
I wish to discuss with him that our organization, Shalom International, ( in sponsorship with will be holding a huge rally to "Keep Jerusalem United" when the Pope is in Jerusalem, May 8-15, 2009.
Please let me know as soon as possible.
In addition, if the Cardinal can't or won't meet, we'd like to do the same with any other key person in the Vatican and use the media room for a news conference.
If that won't happen we'd like to do a news conference in front of the Vatican in Rome.
Yours in Shalom, Bob Kunst Pres., Shalom International
Brazilian bishop twists the Shoah March 29, 2009
RIO DE JANEIRO (JTA) -- A Catholic archbishop in Brazil minimized the Holocaust and declared that Jews dominate the world media.
Dadeus Grings, the archbishop of Porto Alegre, declared that "more Catholics than Jews have died in the Holocaust, but this is not usually told because Jews own the world's propaganda."
In a six-page interview that appeared Friday in the Brazilian trade magazine Press & Advertising, Grings went on to say, "How many millions of Catholics were victims of the Holocaust? Twenty-two million? The Jews say they were the major victims but the major victims were the Gypsies, who were exterminated. And they don't mention this."
Porto Alegre is home to Brazil's third largest Jewish community, with some 12,000 Jews.
"It's not the first time Mr. Grings refers to the Holocaust in a twisted way," said Henry Chmelnitsky, president of the Rio Grande do Sul Jewish Federation. "Fewer Jews died in World War II because there were and there still are fewer Jews in the world. Proportionally, the extermination minimized by the archbishop meant the slaughter of most of a people that was already small. By reproducing stereotypes created by the Nazis, Grings positions himself on the wrong side of history."
Grings is the second Catholic bishop in recent months to publicly minimize the Holocaust.
Richard Williams, who headed a seminary in Argentina, caused a furor over his public denial that gas chambers were used to murder Jews during World War II and over claims that no more than 300,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis. His rehabilitation by Pope Benedict XVI in January after decades of exclusion over his membership in an ultra-right traditionalist sect sparked a rift in Catholic-Jewish ties.
Ted Belman
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Britannia Radio