There are acres of self-congratulatory statements all over the press
today and you don’t need me to add to them. The politicians and
journalists all seem so suprised to find that nobody walked out and
no physical violence occurred that it is being headlined as a great
The truth is somewhat less. There was progress in refunding the IMF
to a substantial degree which will particularly help the poorer
countries. Even here however, much of the vastamount mentioned was
already promised. There was enormous emphasis given to stopping the
crisis happening in the first place and putting in place regulators
to stop this.
However the regulators were there in the first place and they didn’t
stop it anywhere in the world because nobodsy enforced the
regulations. Germany and France were determined on a bureaucratic
solution to a past event and to a great extent got thir way.
What seems to be missing altogether were any measures to get
international trade moving now and to solve the crisis we are
actually in.
There is so much comment today that I’ll only give quotations from
articles rather than the whole !
However. I start with the Telegraph’s leading article, replete with
faint praise. .
No grand plan, but the G20 was a good start
Arguably, the biggest problem of all was not addressed at the G20.
Telegraph View
They came, they saw, they communiquéd. Simply by turning up, leaders
had already achieved more than a similar crisis summit in London in
1933. Franklin Roosevelt, then American president, stayed away and
not long after the world was at war.
Holding a summit is in itself a worthwhile exercise, even if the
results rarely match expectations. It has been demonstrated this week
that the Group of 8 leading nations is now eclipsed by the broader
G20. Globalisation, an unstoppable process that has lifted hundreds
of millions out of poverty, but speeded and broadened the economic
crisis of recent months, has made it impossible and undesirable to
ignore the needs and capabilities of developing economies.
Putting leaders together has produced some progress on
extracurricular matters: the Russians and Americans are talking about
cutting their nuclear weapon stockpiles; the G20 is committed to
reaching an agreement at the United Nations climate change conference
in Copenhagen in December. [Oh dear! That’ll set things back again. -cs]
On the pressing need to rescue the world from depression, there are
some sensible measures. The International Monetary Fund has had its
war chest fattened; additional lending is being made available to
some of the world's poorest nations; there will be far greater co-
operation and international oversight of financial institutions;
greater availability of trade credits will contribute to efforts to
combat the first fall in trade flows for 25 years. We already knew
most of that was coming.
But yesterday was comprehensively not an agreement on a "global plan
for economic recovery and reform", as Gordon Brown had promised on
the eve of the gathering. In recent months the stated aim of the
Prime Minister, who deserves credit for bringing the summit here, was
that the G20 should announce a massive further fiscal stimulus. The
co-ordinated extra increased spending he wanted was ruled out of
order by the Germans and the French several weeks ago. They do not
want to imperil their nations' finances further, and won that debate
in London because it was not truly on the agenda.
What of the other hopes for the summit? "For the first time we have a
0common approach round the world for cleaning up bank balance
sheets," said the Prime Minister. Banks need to be fixed so that a
broad economic recovery can take hold, but the common approach is
hard to divine.
If what Mr Brown means is the latest American bank rescue plan,
involving an uncertain state insurance scheme, there is considerable
doubt that it will work. Even worse, the G20 call for a single set of
global accounting standards, a crucial step in the restoration of
investor confidence, was being undermined yesterday by standard-
setters in America. They caved in to bank demands by proposing to
allow banks to use their in-house, and presumably different,
valuations for certain assets on their books. That sort of crazy
asymmetry will hinder any recovery. And again, yesterday, there were
solemn condemnations of barriers to free trade – which are revealed
to be hollow by the rising number of protectionist measures enacted
At least, though, these topics are being discussed. Arguably, the
biggest problem of all was not addressed – the restructuring of
economies, such as China's and Germany's, that have been too reliant
on exports to over-consuming nations. So, the G20 in London produced
no grand plan for recovery. But if the jamboree has a legacy, it may
be that the optimistic tenor of the leaders' exchanges goes some way
to restoring battered global confidence. It is good to talk.
==Only those who thought it would save the world will be disappointed
By Tracy Corrigan
It's difficult to bill the result as a resounding triumph, but it's a
long way from being a failure either. It all depends where you set
the bar. In my view, nothing too stupid has been decided and some
reasonable measures have been agreed, though most, such as
strengthening the International Monetary Fund, were widely expected.
There is one very obvious missing item from the G20 communique – a
further economic stimulus package – but that is no bad thing, given
that plenty has already been done, and at substantial cost. Instead
there is new money for trade loans and the like. That's good enough
for me.
Still, we have to be honest: many of the issues addressed in the G20
discussions have no real relevance to the world's prospects for
economic recovery. An awful lot of effort has been expended on the
supposedly contentious issue of regulation, and any cracks between
the Europeans on one side and the Britons and the Americans on the
other have been papered over successfully.
[- - - - - - - - ]
The truth is that G20 ignored issues they couldn't agree on and made
some promises, such as free trade, which have yet to be tested. But
did anyone really expect otherwise?
Business groups back trade plans but warn leaders on regulation
Business groups hailed the G20’s commitment to $250bn (£170bn) of
extra trade finance and its stance against protectionism but warned
against heavy-handed regulation.
By Alistair Osborne, Business Editor
Roger Bootle, managing director of Capital Economics, also noted that
“as far as measures are concerned, there’s a distinct lack of meat on
the bone” – including who pays for the IMF’s trebling of resources to
Richard Lambert, director-general of the CBI employers’ group,
welcomed the trade finance initiative, saying it should “plug the
funding gap left by the credit crunch and give businesses the
confidence to trade with one another across international borders”.
He also supported undertakings that [- - - - - - - - - -] the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) would monitor any protectionist moves by G20
countries [- - - - -] though he dismissed some of the other trade
measures as “a bit fluffy”.
Reacting to the proposed strengthening of financial regulation, Mr
Lambert warned: “This should not be done in haste or it could do more
harm than good.”
Mr Lambert accepted that “there had to be a trade-off between America
and Britain, whose focus was entirely on stimulus, and Germany and
France, where the focus was on financial regulation”.
However, he stressed: “The fact is that the financial markets are now
in such a state of shock that they are regulating themselves, so
there is no need to go too fast.”
Miles Templeman, director-general at the Institute of Directors, said
[- - - - - - - - -] “There is time to get any new financial rules
right, and so we hope that world leaders don’t rush into hasty and
ill-thought-out regulation, which would risk choking off recovery.”
Stephen Haddrill, director-general of the Association of British
Insurers, said: “The EU and the Financial Stability Board will need
to stick to the principles of modern markets and not try to reinvent
older forms of regulation that belong to past eras. The UK and
London, in particular, have the most to lose if the fine words of
today become the shackles of the future.”
Stuart Fraser, policy chairman of the City of London Corporation,
played down the risk to London.
“The City has nothing to fear from better regulation,” he said. “Good
regulation can be a competitive advantage to the City. Who wants to
buy financial products or invest in poorly regulated markets?”
[- - - - - - -]
Mr Bootle pointed out that there was nothing specific in the G20
communiqué over “national stimulus, which is less than the original
He said Britain and America had been pushing for countries running
current account surpluses – notably China, Germany and Japan – to
loosen fiscal constraints and increase spending.
His point was echoed by shadow chancellor George Osborne. “The great
thing missing from this communiqué is the one thing the Prime
Minister lobbied hardest for,” he said. “That is a new commitment to
a significant second fiscal stimulus. That commitment is very
obviously not there.”
He said the “$1 trillion being trumpeted today is a trillion dollars
of loans, credit lines and guarantees”, but not “a single dollar of
additional fiscal stimulus. It is left to individual countries to
decide for themselves what their own public finances can afford.”
Mr Bootle said that even the provenance of the extra IMF resources
was “opaque. We don’t know who’s putting up the money.”
He said there was an absence of such detail in the entire communiqué.
“The real test will be in the weeks and months to come when we will
see if there’s real consensus or a whole lot of wrangling,” Mr Bootle
THE TIMES [little intelligent commentary! -cs]
Lucky Gordon Brown basks in market glory
David Wighton: Business Editor’s commentary
[little about the economy - much about share movements -cs]
Sometimes you just get the breaks, and Gordon Brown's luck was
certainly in yesterday. He happened to be winding up the G20 summit
on a day when there was a raft of market-pleasing news around the
world. The result was a surge in share prices that helped the
summiteers claim success.
In Britain there was a surprise increase in house prices in March, at
least according to the Nationwide index, raising hopes that the slump
may be coming to an end. Admittedly, there was a similar rise in the
rival Halifax index in January, which was quickly reversed the
following month. Nevertheless, it followed other glimpses of light in
the housing market on both sides of the Atlantic. [Today “Halifax
says house prices down 1.9%” FT -cs]
There has also been more encouraging evidence in terms of business
activity, which suggests that while conditions are still getting
worse, both in Britain and America, they are at least getting worse
more slowly.
The picture is grim in continental Europe, particularly in Germany.
But in their new, sunnier mood, investors welcomed the smaller than
expected cut in euro interest rates, from 1.5 per cent to 1.25 per
cent, as a signal that the European Central Bank is getting more
optimistic about the eurozone outlook.
In the US investors were cheered by a vote from its accounting
standards board to allow banks more freedom to use their own
valuation models, rather than market prices, for assets where there
is little trading. Opponents of the controversial move said it would
do nothing to restore confidence in bank balance sheets. But
investors focused on the boost that it will give to profits and bid
up bank shares.
To be fair, the markets were also cheered by the G20 agreement
itself, even if the figures owed something to Mr Brown's talent for
inflationary arithmetic.
There was no new fiscal stimulus (which was probably just as well)
and no new measures to tackle toxic bank assets (which is where
attention needs to focus). The moves on regulation and tax havens
were sensible enough, if irrelevant to our current plight, and the
new money for the IMF will make a real difference, if well spent.
The agreement should certainly help speed the recovery if only by
underpinning confidence. The downturn happened much faster than
expected. And the markets are starting to believe that the recovery
may too.
Leading Article - Summit of achievement
Structural weaknesses and policy divisions remain. But the G20 has
announced measures that will help to repair the damage inflicted by
financial crisis
Low expectations have been met. Divisions on how to deal with the
financial crisis remain. Imbalances in the global economy lie
uncorrected. But the G20 summit took important steps in improving the
machinery for coping with the financial crisis. The mere fact of
agreement will have expanded, in Gordon Brown's phrase, the oxygen of
confidence in the global economy.
To judge a summit primarily by its contribution to psychology may
appear to trivialise a crisis that is widely compared to the Great
Depression. Yet confidence is the crucial missing ingredient. Its
absence has directly caused the collapse of the Western financial
system. In the 1930s, John Maynard Keynes stressed that investors did
not respond only to opportunities for profit. If they expect
businesses and consumers to stop spending, new investment will dry
up. The economy will be locked into stagnation. An agreement that
helps to alter that state of mind would be an achievement almost
regardless of the effectiveness of the individual measures that it
The steps agreed at the G20 are restricted in scope. Some had also
been widely trailed: Mr Brown's practised technique of presenting old
information as if it were new has been brought to a global audience.
But the measures are not trivial. The cost amounts to more than $1
trillion. [Much of it already in the pipeline but nobody seems to
admit how much! -cs] The most important commitment is to increase
resources available to the International Monetary Fund - $500 billion
for loans to struggling economies, and another $250 billion for a new
overdraft facility available to sovereign borrowers.
[- - - - - - - - - -] The money committed by the G20 leaders is
substantial. It includes commitments from important emerging
economies, notably China. These economies aim for a shift in the
voting weights within the IMF, and they ought to receive it. There
was also a commitment by the G20 to trade financing, which should
help to repel calls for protectionism.
These are huge sums, but they are not a fiscal stimulus of the type
espoused by President Obama and Mr Brown. That is inevitable. Fiscal
expansion is not a course available to all countries. There is a
limit to how far weaker economies can sustainably increase public
debt without causing investors to take fright. Fiscal stimulus cannot
on its own resolve the more fundamental problem of a huge burden of
household and public debt in the US, while there is a glut of savings
in Asia. The G20 was right to focus instead on the greatest
structural weakness of the global economy: a dysfunctional financial
system. The leaders' statement stressed co-operation in purging the
banking system of bad assets and regulating non-bank financial
New regulation will not necessarily be well directed. There is a more
pressing case for breaking conflicts of interest within the credit
ratings agencies and limiting leverage than in regulating bankers'
pay. The G20 summit has made little difference to the lives of
bankers or the prospects for banks. This, of course, means that the
summit has skirted the main problem - but it was always going to. The
banking sector will ultimately be cleaned up by the banks themselves.
The G20 summit was hard work for everyone involved: the Prime
Minister, politicians, bureaucrats, security, Londoners and all of us
ordinary observers. Its achievements were predictably modest, but it
was not in vain.
The first bricks in a new world order
Some useful progress, but still a way to go. That must be the
conclusion of the Group of 20 summit in London. Gordon Brown, UK
prime minister and chairman of the meeting, set out a six-point plan
to save the world. This reflected some real achievements: a generous
increase in funding for the International Monetary Fund, a new
issuance of special drawing rights and a boost for trade finance. He
sounded disappointingly thin on other key areas – notably cleaning up
banks and future fiscal stimulus. More detail would have been
Mr Brown cast the G20 meeting as part of a co-ordinated “fight back
against the global recession” and said the “global crisis requires a
global solution”. We may doubt aspects of the solution, but the
crisis is undeniable. World growth is expected to decline this year
for the first time since the second world war. The World Trade
Organisation expects that trade will fall by 9 per cent – a worrying
It has also become clear that this crisis will not soon burn itself
out. An important part of John Maynard Keynes’ works was his
explanation of how economies could be caught in low growth traps. The
longer the recession, the greater the destruction of happiness. An
extended downturn will also increase the risk of the crisis expanding
and deepening far beyond its current spread. In new democracies,
whether in Africa or central and eastern Europe, this is a moment of
genuine peril. In some poorer countries, it could even lead to war
and famine.
One particular risk is a potential financial crisis in emerging
markets, which could spread rapidly through a region. The prospect of
this is stronger the longer recovery is delayed. Countries have
already sought help from the IMF recently. More could follow. It is
essential that the Fund has the resources to prevent local problems
becoming international. A financial crisis in eastern Europe, for
example, would be miserable enough. But it would transmit losses
through banks across Europe. The world does not need another subprime
The G20 pledge to increase the IMF’s resources by $500bn, therefore,
is extremely cheering. Some of the money had been allocated already.
Nonetheless, it is an important achievement and a welcome sign that
national governments see the role that such international
institutions can play.
The proposed new issuance of $250bn of special drawing rights by the
IMF would increase the world’s pool of reserve assets, freeing the
hands of emerging and developing economies. It, too, is an excellent
idea which will increase global liquidity.
The plan for $250bn over the next two years for trade finance is also
welcome. The proposal is larger than expected, but is mostly drawing
together existing programmes. It will be delivered through export
credit agencies, investment agencies and development banks.
There is little to report on fiscal policy. No one country’s stimulus
can rescue the world from the mire; the US is not in a position to
revive world demand on its own – again. While deficit countries, such
as the US and UK, must expand demand, the surplus countries must do
their part and expand domestic consumption by more. The world needs
to increase demand without increasing its imbalances.
The communiqué offers little credible commitment to this end. Perhaps
it was unrealistic to expect much more. Arguments about stimulus
generate much more heat than light; even apparently miserly Germany
has committed to a large stimulus programme. The IMF has been invited
to “assess regularly the global actions required” to “accelerate the
return to growth”. If the IMF is robust, this might prove a useful
mechanism for asserting accountability.
The weakest part of the package is the financial element. Banks are
still gravely wounded. The financial crisis lit the fuse for this
recession. It may also prolong the fire; the crisis will last much
longer if major countries refuse to clean up their banks. Given the
range of countries at the G20, a one-size-fits-all bank rescue policy
was never feasible. But the absence of detail about a common approach
to cleansing the banks of their toxic assets is extremely
disconcerting. Stating vague commitments only serves to create fears
that little substance lies behind the words.
The world is better for having held this summit. The possibility of
dangerous contagion is lower and useful progress has been made across
a range of issues, from the need to keep trade free to IMF quota
reform. But leaders must remember that the crisis, which started in
the banking system, will not be resolved until the banking system
itself is fixed. That is where they must turn their attention now.
Friday, 3 April 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio