Planning the Steps to World Government
As you can see, the U.S. Treasury was actively working to expand a global economic infrastructure. The things that I was hearing on the international level, along with the ideas of the 1994 Human Development Report, were common knowledge to everyone except the American people. Later on in November, I interviewed Paul Volcker and specifically asked him about what he saw for the future. He told me, “What the world needs is a global currency.”......
by Joan Veon
Government Out of Control
You “gotta” love it: A front-page headline in the Washington Times’ March 25 issue openly acknowledged that a plan to widen use of DC traffic cameras is intended “to help close [the] budget gap” as opposed to saving lives or enhancing safety. Among other expensive gadgets to be employed in this effort will be additional lasers “to catch tunnel speeders.”.......
by Beverly Eakman
The Religion of D.C.
The best that can be said of “religion” is that it is the decision of choice offered to the free will of mankind. The worst that can be said is its enforcement by any set of laws. This is where the choice of belief becomes dictatorship, and historically speaking, the most brutal and unconscionable dictatorships in human history. Sadly, no religion is exempt or forgiven for the insanity of brutal religious dictatorship no religion. They have all performed the ultimate brutalities, and they have all used the bloodiest forces known to man against man. Every religion is guilty of this ultimate sin. Even more sadly, every religion has.......
by Nancy Levant
Save America from socialism
The legs and arms continue to be ripped off the body of the patient while Obama talks ever so carefully and diplomatically with the world leaders at the G20 meeting. No doubt these wonders of international leadership and wisdom are campaigning for an international currency and regulations to come. Expect a well-worded, international report within a week or two announcing an international currency that would of course have negotiated controls and regulations from a central source........
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 3 April 2009
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Britannia Radio