I'm glad Mardell's written this but I'm astonished how ill-informed
the BBC's EU correspondent is [What DO we pay him to do?] that he
cannot find anybody to tell him that Ireland is IN the extreme mess
that it is in because of the Euro. For readers' benefit I won't
spell it out all again here but just repeat what I wrote this morning
"If Ireland had not foolishly joined the euro when it did, it would
not have had the runaway boom but neither would it have collapsed so
heavily , having surrendered the ability to make independent monetary
changes to restore a balance"
Let's pray he's right about the referendum result
xxxxxxxxxxx cs
BBC NEWS Blog 8.4.09
Lisbon not done deal for Irish
by Mark Mardell
So a harsh, tax-raising budget from the deeply unpopular Irish
government. I wonder how this will impact on the planned autumn
referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. The consensus view in Dublin and
Brussels is that the economic crisis will reverse last summer's "No"
vote. I am doubtful. The logic goes that Ireland would have been much
worse off outside the euro and the EU and so people will deliver a
vote "for" the EU. The first is open to debate of course, but I have
seen few disagree strongly. I would be grateful if any of you can
point me to those who argue against the feeling that the euro was and
is a good thing for Ireland.
The second half of the proposition seems to me much more contentious.
In most referendums voters will take the opportunity to give an
unpopular government a good kicking, whatever the question on the
ballot paper. Can the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, really buck the trend?
Then there is the assumption, common in the EU establishment, that
you can't be "for" the EU and against the Lisbon Treaty. The Irish
people may not agree.
As the referendum grows nearer voices will be raised again suggesting
that if the Irish say "No" then the rest of the EU will move ahead
without them. Aside from the morality or wisdom of this I am not sure
it has any meaning. Sure, an Irish "No" might mean a lot of ill will
from from other member countries' governments at a time when Ireland
needs all the friends it can get. Certainly some EU countries can
proceed to "ever closer union" while others decline to take part, the
euro and the passport-free area being the most important and obvious
But Lisbon is not like the euro or the Schengen agreement. How on
earth could 26 countries operate under Lisbon while Ireland operates
under the Nice Treaty? So most nations would be represented, as per
Lisbon, by a new president of the European Council while Ireland
sticks with the old system of a six-month rotating presidency by
nation states? And Ireland keeps 27 commissioners but the others
reduce their numbers? It doesn't make sense. I am not one to wish
summer and spring away, but autumn in Ireland will be fascinating.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Posted by
Britannia Radio