Welfare cheats have nothing on our MPs
The furore over expenses shows that Westminster is just like a sink estate where everyone's on the make, says Gill Hornby.
Benefits cheat Sylvia Rogers claimed £28,000 from the state which, by shrewd investment and careful husbandry she turned into a very comfortable £60,000. She showed up in court this week, provocatively wearing novelty socks with "Show Me the Money" on them, and received a six-month suspended sentence. She should also be fast-tracked on to a women-only shortlist for a safe seat. With such an eye for financial detail, Mrs Rogers, from Wythenshawe, Manchester, would be at home in the Palace of Westminster.
The more we hear, the more it appears that the House of Commons is scarcely different from any other sink estate where everyone's on the make. Before we had digested the news of Jacqui Smith's bath plug (88p) and two – two! – washing machines (£568.95), we had to swallow the details of Shaun Woodward's claims. Mr Woodward is the richest member of the Commons, because he's married to one of the richest women in the country. He has property in London, Oxfordshire, New York and the West Indies, so he's pretty well sorted when it comes to places to lay his head. He also, as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, enjoys the splendours of Hillsborough Castle, which costs £5 million a year to run, and has a hefty entertaining allowance. So, you might be thinking, Shaun Woodward – there's an MP who won't bother claiming every last quid of his £23,083 second home allowance. And inevitably, you would be wrong.
Of course, the difference between Mrs Rogers of Wythenshawe and Jacqui Smith, or Tony McNulty – who, you will remember, claimed £60,000 to live with his parents when his own house was nearby – is that the politicians are not actually committing benefit fraud. Ludicrous though the rules are, all these MPs have been acting within them. The problem is that, like those residents of sink estates, MPs are living, in effect, in a benefits culture. And a benefits culture is a corrupting thing, as this Government fervently believes.
It was only in December, ahead of the Queen's Speech, that Gordon Brown's team were talking once more of the "Respect" agenda, but how long ago it now seems. Back then, the Government was denouncing the "something for nothing" system that was eroding our national values. Indeed, all the political parties agree that financial handouts can be pernicious; claimants become dependants. As James Purnell, Works and Pensions Secretary, so wisely put it, "leaving people on benefit is the cruellest thing to do. Bad for them and bad for their families." And so, in the case of the Smith household, and all the rest of the rabble of Westminster claimants, it has proved.
How much better for Miss Smith's husband would it have been if he had not been encouraged to grasp back every expense from the taxpayer, but made to shell out for his exotic viewing? What a pity that someone told the poor, easily led Labour backbencher Harry Cohen and his pals that the allowances were there and to "Go and spend it, boys!" Mr Cohen's reputation is unlikely to recover. But perhaps we should be feeling sorry for him – perhaps, like the rest of his parliamentary colleagues, as well as the underbelly of society, he is just another victim of the culture of dependency and benefits.
"As everyone enters difficult economic times, with families working harder, household budgets coming under pressure and more demand being placed on public resources, fair rules will become more important," said the Government in its commentary on the Welfare Reform Bill. "If people perceive that not everyone is treated equally, that some get preferential treatment, that people who break the rules get away with it, respect for rules is undermined." Quite so. Reform the benefit scrounging in the House as well as that in the country, or we will have no Respect left for any of you.
Sadly, we’ve all lost our sense of excitement
It’s always a mistake to go back. Nothing is ever as thrilling as you remember it. Take Tate Modern’s decision to reinstall the interactive art exhibit Bodyspacemotionthings, by the American Robert Morris. The work was last seen in London in 1971, when it caused such stupendous excitement among the art-loving public that it had to be closed down after four days. People were invited to clamber up, slide down and weave through giant sculptural elements, and it was all too much for them. “They went bloody mad,” said reports at the time.
Well, that’s 1971 for you – a weekend’s entertainment was the Clangers followed by Songs of Praise. We’ve moved on. We are now so used to excitement at every turn that we are almost unexcitable. It’s impossible to imagine that we were once a nation that sat, riveted, as Richard Dimbleby described the annual spaghetti harvest, and then hugged itself with glee when it found it was an April Fool. And it’s hard to see us going “bloody mad” at the opportunity to go on a slide in the Turbine Hall. Spaghetti? Interactive play installations? Do we look bovvered?
What’s his Easter message?
There are those who moan that this weekend is no more than another Bank Holiday. They complain that the nation no longer comes together for joint worship. They think that the ideas of new hope and new life are lost beneath a wave of chocolate and consumerism. They’re wrong. This Saturday night, at around the same time that Our Lord would have been rolling away that stone, our Time Lord will be resurrected on BBC1.
This is how we observe religious holidays in our multicultural society: by gathering together to celebrate the wonders of David Tennant and his victories for good over evil. It is no coincidence that we last affirmed our belief on December 25 – his most recent Earthly appearance.
True, this week’s title, Planet of the Dead, seems to lack a certain Paschal message. Nevertheless, we’ll be glued. Regeneration: isn’t that what Easter is supposed to be about?
Star students could do with a little praise
Katherine Tattersall, head of the exams watchdog Ofqual, plans to start publishing a selection of GCSE and
A-level exam scripts on the web. She argues that if
critics start reading the
work produced by the brighter students, and looking at the best artwork, technical designs and projects, then they might stop knocking what young people do, and sneering at them when they get high grades.
She is probably right: as a general rule, a few pages of densely diagrammed physics can be relied upon to wipe a smug smile off an adult face.
Also, when all we hear about is 13-year-old fathers, and boys allegedly leaving other boys for dead in a ditch, and the feral behaviour of children in schools, we should be grateful that any students are bothering even to try for straight As, not pouring scorn on them when they do.
Yeah, mate. Fat family poncing off the state, sink estate underclass doing the same. I ain't no Robin Hood but I would recommend targetting any of these spongers, reclaiming the tax-payer's wide screen trouser-press, digital washer/dryer, Magimix DVD player, etc. and giving it back to the mug that paid for it, son. Leave the bath plug though- the smell is already unbearable. If there was a decent wave of wealth redistribution, perpetrated by the donors against the beneficiaries, then the sludge of society might think that much harder about where they cast their vote next time. If the infestation is dragging the host down then a strong parasiticide is needed. Err- that's you, mate.