Posted by willyloman on April 26, 2009 (Another payday in the making for Al Gore. His venture capital firm is heavily invested in swine flu vaccines as well as Global warming money making schemes. Wow, what a week for Al, huh?And look who he’s connected with this time; Donald Rumsfeld.) by Alex Haislip, Reuters The swine flu outbreak is likely to benefit one of the most prolific and successful venture capital firms in the United States: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Thomson Reuters Private Equity Week reported on Friday. Shares of the two public companies in the firm’s portfolio of eight Pandemic and Bio Defense companies — BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (BCRX.O) and Novavax (NVAX.O) — jumped Friday on news that the swine flu killed a reported 60 people in Mexico and has infected people in the United States. The World Health Organization said the virus appears to be susceptible to Roche’s (ROG.VX) flu drug Tamiflu, also known as oseltamivir, but not to older flu drugs such as amantadine. [read the rest here] “Rummy (Donald Rumsfeld) was Chair of the Board of Directors at Gilead Sciences until named to the Bush cabinet and, like [Vice President Dick] Cheney, still has ties that bind to the ‘old company.’ Now isn’t it an ‘amazing coincidence’ that the drug Tamiflu patented by Gilead Sciences is being pushed by the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases as the NUMBER ONE choice for flu...” SourceWatch Possibly related posts: (automatically generated) Posted by willyloman on April 25, 2009 by Scott Creighton In a video put out by TPM, Rep. Blackburn committed the ultimate faux pas in congress by asking a politician, in this case former Vice President Al Gore, about his financial ties to a “cause” he is working on; global warming. The congressional committee Blackburn sits on, the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is working on the “cap and trade” legislation that Gore strongly supports. Though she is a republican, and Gore seems to imply that her not-to-subtle hostility toward him may come from that, other democrats have also voiced their concerns about the direction Gore wants the legislation to move in. “I am not satisfied that this bill has adequate protections for our workers and our industries” former Energy Committee Chairman John Dingell (D-Mich.) told Gore.Dingell and other Democrats from Rust Belt states fear that forcing companies to buy carbon emissions could push trade-sensitive, fossil-fuel intensive industries such as steel and paper overseas.“ Politico It should be noted that basically this “cap and trade” policy would effectively be a tax on production in the states, and that the “venture capitalist” company that Blackburn exposes Gore’s financial ties too is a joint U.S./China firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB). I am sure China wouldn’t mind if this legislation sunk a few U.S. steel companies… It should also be noted that Gore is heavily involved in several companies, all of which are venture capital companies looking to cash in on the “cap and trade” legislation in the works right now. Gore states in the video that he donates all the “money” he makes right now to his not-for-profit organization the Alliance for Climate Protection (ACP), but he doesn’t say a word about whether or not he is also being reimbursed with stock options from those affiliated companies. Nor does he offer any information about whether or not he is a paid Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Alliance for Climate Protection. As we all know, board members are usually well compensated for their time. Also sitting on the board with him at ACP is Theodore Roosevelt IV the Managing Director atLehman Brothers, and Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft who is President of the Scowcroft Group (Internation Business Advisory group) and former National Security Advisor to President George H.W. Bush. Generation Investment Management is another of Gore’s little projects, when he is not sitting on the boards of Google or Apple. His senior partner in GIM is none other than David Blood of Goldman Sachs. “Prior to co-founding Generation, David Blood served as the co-CEO and CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (”GSAM”) from 1999 to 2003. His responsibilities included all aspects of the global business including portfolio management, sales and client service, risk management and infrastructure.” GIM One partner of Mr. Gore’s is from Lehman Brothers and another is from Goldman Sachs then a third has ties to the Bush family? And Gore himself is sitting atop two different investment capital firms that stand to make a killing off the implementation of the “cap and trade” system? Go ahead and watch the video. Notice how Gore can’t contain his nervous laughter when Blackburn first mentions, for the record, the companies he is involved with. Also notice how he tries to squirm out from under the spotlight by trying to turn the tables on Blackburn suggesting she is “anti-business”? If you can read people’s expressions, you can clearly see Gore is guilty as shit in this exchange. I personally had been staying out of this issue for lack of any real evidence that I trusted one way or the other. But after seeing this video, and after just a little research into these businesses of his, I don’t believe one single thing that Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers thieves are involved with. I have to say, this looks like it has “global scam” written all over it. Watch the video and let me know what you think. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)(Al Gore’s) Venture capital firm set to reap rewards on swine flu (along with Donald Rumsfeld)
Partnered with Gore in his “Cap and Trade” Venture Capital Companies are Former CEOs and Executives from Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers
Monday, 27 April 2009
swine flu alerts and updates
Posted by willyloman on April 26, 2009(Al Gore’s) Venture capital firm set to reap rewards on swine flu (along with Donald Rumsfeld)
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