The Wrenching Transformation of America
This speech was delivered in Kalispell, Montana and Spokane, Washington to County Republican Lincoln Day dinners in late March. The speech caused a firestorm in Spokane, resulting in a battle with the local city council over it’s partnership with ICLEI and radical environmental policy. One elected official said I had exposed too much – as he walked out on my presentation. The battle goes on today.......
by Tom DeWeese
Miss California Shows Rick Warren How It’s Done
“America’s Pastor,” Rick Warren, was caught last week trying to have it both ways in the same-sex marriage debate, leaving many Christians who viewed his contradictory statements regarding California’s Proposition 8, which outlawed same-sex marriage, shocked and disappointed after comparatively viewing them on YouTube. Having chronicled his penchant for pandering and posturing in past articles over the years, it was certainly no surprise to me....
by Paul Proctor
Grants Pass Oregon Tea Party a Huge Success
It’s been just over a week since people across the United States expressed their frustration at the federal government in a series of tea party protests. But the subsequent days have been filled with a series of divergent opinions about what the events of April 15, 2009 actually meant. The two-hour rally at the Josephine County Courthouse in Grants Pass, Or. had well over 1,000 people in attendance at its peak........
by NWV News
Governor Sebelius Must Veto Kansas Legislation
This controversial drug, known as “Crack for Cows,” revs up animal metabolism to increase milk production. Banned in most other industrialized countries, consumers’ health concerns are now pushing it out of the US as well. Over the last three years, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Dannon, Yoplait, and more than half of the nation’s top 100 dairies have committed to stop using it for some or all of their products. But in a gift to Ely Lilly, the drug’s manufacturer, Kansas lawmakers passed a bill last week with misguided labeling requirements, making it difficult for all national brands to inform consumers that their product does not use rbGH........
by Jeffrey Smith
Questions for a Communist Terrorist
Thanks to Rupert Murdoch, Bill Ayers’ “comrade” and Weather Underground terrorist Mark Rudd is on a book tour, trying to cash in on his bloody record. Murdoch’s Harper Collins published Rudd’s book, Underground: My Life With SDS and the Weathermen. This week he is in the San Francisco/Oakland, California area. According to Rudd’s website, he has other speeches and lectures scheduled around the country......
by Cliff Kincaid
James Dobson Admits Failure in Culture War
“The battles that we fought in the 80’s now. We were victorious in many of those conflicts with the culture trying to defend righteousness, trying to defend the unborn child, trying to preserve the dignity of the family, and the definition of marriage. We fought all those battles, and really it was a holding action.” (Remarks made by Dr. Dobson to his staff Feb. 27th, 2009 on the day of his retirement as Chairman of the Board of Focus on the Family).......
by Nicholas Jackson
Thursday, 23 April 2009
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Britannia Radio