Culture of Terror, II
When social engineers, politicians or diplomats employ what I term the contrived or managed dialectic, of which the “alternatives” presented by Curtis are a fine illustration, “’sovereignty passes form parliament to the machine and elections are no more than a plebiscite by which a whole people puts itself in the power of a small gang.’ This, Molnar adds “is totalitarianism that promises security and destroys liberty…returning society to the uniformity of a primitive......
by Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
Species Control: D.C.-Style
The control freaks in D.C. have a new idea. We, the rabble, are no longer to have birds, snakes, fish, guinea pigs, and other "non-native" critters as our pets of choice. I refer you to H.R. 669. Equally, other control mongers have stated that the domestic cat is no longer to be allowed as our pet due to its vicious attacks upon wild birds. Hmmm - one wonders who kills more animals….the Humane Society and PETAA or cats?.......
by Nancy Levant
A Valuable New Book on the KGB
In 1992, before Vassiliev was picked by KGB, a meeting was held at the Watergate in Washington, DC. The host for the meeting was Walter Pforzheimer, retired general counsel of CIA. Attending the meeting were two serving KGB officers, Oleg Tsarev and Yuri Kobaladze, a few American specialists in KGB history and representatives of Random House and its subsidiary Crown Books. A deal was being arranged between.......
by Herbert Romerstein
Pro-Obama Group Demands Socialist Media
A socialist-oriented “media reform” group with ties to the Obama Administration is calling for new federal programs and the spending of tens of billions of dollars to keep journalists employed at liberal media outlets and to put them to work in new “public media.” The group, which calls itself Free Press.......
by Cliff Kincaid
I Wonder What Gore Thinks About Obama's Faith?
A few years ago I wrote about Al Gore's criticism of George W. Bush's faith. I found it so fascinating then that a former Vice President of the United States would condemn a current President's religious belief. I find it almost as fascinating today that the still very vocal VP hasn't remarked on the current......
by Sharon Hughes
Are we closer to 1938 then we realize?
How is it that Germany, one of the most civilized countries on earth in 1938 with the best literacy rate, top scientists, theologians and musical artists, basically culture, pie squared, would end up being complicate in leading, organizing even to the point of body clean up one of the largest and most gruesome mass murders in the history of the world?.......
by Laurie Roth
Saturday, 16 May 2009
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Britannia Radio