FREEMAN CENTER BROADCAST- May 24, 2009 ![]() FREEMAN CENTER FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES P.O. Box 35661 * Houston, Texas 77235-5661 Phone or Fax: 713-723-6016 * E-mail: OUR WEB SITE (URL): THE MACCABEAN ONLINE: URL: Freeman Center Blog ============= ==================== They deem him their worst enemy who tells them the truth. - Plato "The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." -- Ayn Rand ########## Ignorance Is Weakness - Know The Truth Self-Inflicted Ignorance Is Suicide The Freeman Center Is A Defense Against Ignorance ********************** THE TRUTH MAY NOT ALWAYS BE POPULAR, BUT IT IS STILL THE TRUTH = JEWS ARE FREE A LAST AND INDEPENDENT. WHY DO WE ENSLAVE OURSELVES AND GROVEL BEFORE THE NATIONS? ============== $$$$$$$$$$$$ To Make a tax deductible contribution to the Freeman Center's important educational work, mail check to address above or go to our website to pay by credit card or paypal. ============ PLEASE HELP US PAY OUR OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES RESPONSE FROM MONTREAL ON MY ADVICE TO BIBI Dear Mr. Shapiro:
On the eve of Jerusalem Day, while we were in the car on our way to the local supermarket, we were discussing a recent article on the Jerusalem Post website about Bibi’s meeting with Obama. The article maintained that Obama took on the role of the master and Bibi acted like his student. We discussed what the leadership of Israel ought to be doing. The next day we came across your editorial entitled “ Advice to PM Netanyahu before his encounter with Obama”. Wow! Finally someone who thinks like we do!
We still have nightmares after watching an episode of “Against All Odds” that documented Henry Kissinger’s comment about letting Israel bleed a little during the Yom Kippur war.
Bill Koenig – author of “Eye to Eye – Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel” – mentioned in his latest weekly report that Rabbi Chaim Richman was deeply angered over the lack of Jewish interest in and support for the land of Israel in the United States . What happened to all the Jewish leaders that co-signed the Jerusalem Covenant?
While the rest of the world may out to lunch on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we would very much like to take you out for dinner if you are ever in our area.
God Bless and keep the zeal. May all of us who feel this way instill Zeal In Our Nations, for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel reassures us that Zion will triumph!
Manfred and Janice Wolf Montreal, Quebec , Canada |
Monday, 25 May 2009
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Britannia Radio