Friday, 8 May 2009

Friday, 08 May 2009

Cyberbullying Bill Not About Protecting Kids, It is About Shutting Down the Opposition

'Arianna Huffington, the liberal darling in bed with the globalist George Soros by way of theBermuda-based Atlantic Philanthropies, has posted an article on her website penned by Rep. Linda Sanchez, the Democrat congress critter from California. Sánchez is behind the so-called Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act, an effort to impose draconian regulations on the internet.'


Friday, 08 May 2009

Murdoch to Charge for Newspaper Websites

'Rupert Murdoch expects to start charging for access to News Corporation's newspaper websites within a year as he strives to fix a "malfunctioning" business model. Encouraged by booming online subscription revenues at the Wall Street Journal, the billionaire media mogul last night said that papers were going through an "epochal" debate over whether to charge. "That it is possible to charge for content on the web is obvious from the Wall Street Journal's experience," he said.'


Friday, 08 May 2009

Police to Severely Curtail Use of Stop and Search Powers

'Police have bowed to mounting opposition and are to significantly reduce their use of controversial terrorism powers that allow then to stop an search people without reasonable suspicion, the Guardian has learned.

Stop and search is one of the most draconian powers employed by police in the war on terror and a constable's right to use it will be severely curtailed under plans unveiled today. In a document seen by the Guardian, senior officers admit that the hundreds of thousands of stops carried out under the power had damaged community relations and reversed "fundamental" principles of civil rights.'


Friday, 08 May 2009

Washington Negotiator Calls on Israel to Sign Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty

'A diplomatic row broke out today between the US and Israel after Washington's chief nuclear arms negotiator called on Israel to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), breaking a US tradition of discretion over Israel's nuclear arsenal.'


Friday, 08 May 2009

Stress Tests Show 10 Big Banks Must Raise Total of $75 Billion

'Three months of intense anticipation ended Thursday when the Obama administration said stress tests found that 10 of the largest U.S. banks will have to raise a total of $75 billion to prepare for losses that could come from a deepening recession.

Bank of America will have to raise $33.9 billion; Wells Fargo, $13.7 billion; GMAC $11.5 billion; and Citigroup, $5.5 billion, in the next six months. The results culminated an unprecedented process by the government to test the top 19 banks that control two-thirds of the nation's financial assets.'