Friday, May 08, 2009
North Korea Could Test Nuke this Month
As many of our readers know, China Confidential was first to report that North Korea plans to detonate another nuclear device. We have since repeatedly said that the Stalinist/Kimist state could conduct its second nuclear test as early as July 4 in order to overshadow U.S. Independence Day.
In fact, North Korea could be aiming for a different U.S. holiday. Pyongyang could be moving to test a nuclear weapon this month. An underground explosion on or around Monday, May 25 is quite possible. The last Monday in May is Memorial Day and the unofficial start of the summer vacation season in the United States.
China Confidential analysts also expect the Stalinist/Kimist state to test-fire more missiles, especially medium-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons and striking both Japan and South Korea.
China Confidential predicted on October 5, 2006 that North Korea would conduct its first-ever nuclear weapon test on Oct. 9, 2006.
We were right, unfortunately.
In the meantime, Reuters reports:North Korea rebuffed the latest overtures from the Obama administration by saying on Friday it was useless to talk to the United States whose "hostile policy" left it no choice but to bolster its nuclear deterrent.
Stephen Bosworth, the U.S. point man for North Korea policy, began a swing through Asia on Thursday to discuss how to rein in the prickly North after it raised regional security concerns by threatening last week to test a nuclear device.
Continue here.
Iranian nuclear experts will most likely assist North Korea's nuclear test, following Iranian participation in its ally's long-range rocket launch, which China Confidential was also first to report.
The two countries have cooperated closely on nuclear and missile matters. When and if Iran crosses the nuclear Rubicon, North Koreans will surely be on hand to help, as we saidhere.Thursday, May 07, 2009
Bowing, Shmowing, Show Me the Money! Obama Emissaries Beg Saudis for Bailout Dough but Fail to Raise a Penny; Arabs Terrified by US Tehran Tilt
An Israel-based, digital publication with well established Western intelligence sources says the Obama administration's tilt toward Tehran has alienated Saudi Arabian and Gulf leaders to the point of making it impossible for the administration to attract desperately needed investment from the region. Click here to read the exclusive DEBKAfile report on Obama's secret, failed mission to raise hundreds of billions of dollars of Arab capital.
Apparently, the sickening spectacle of a U.S. President actually bowing ... from the waist ... deeply and submissively ... to the King of Saudi Arabia ... was in and of itself not worthy of a major financial reward.US Softening Stance on Six-Party Talks
As China Confidential has previously reported, the United States is likely to submit to North Korean demands for bilateral, as opposed to six-party, talks. The Obama administration aims to appease nuclear-armed North Korea, even if that means endangering the security of Japan and South Korea--which the North intends to eventually take over.
Abandonment and betrayal are words that will increasingly describe the administration's relations with America's allies and friends; appeasement and accommodation, bowing and scraping, with America's enemies. The most important and loyal allies, such as Israel and Japan, will be treated worse than the worst enemies. Obamanation!
AFP reports:The US envoy to North Korea said Thursday that Washington was willing to negotiate with Pyongyang, as he began a trip aimed at convincing the reclusive state to resume nuclear disarmament talks.
"The United States reiterates its desire to engage both multilaterally and bilaterally with North Korea," Stephen Bosworth told reporters after a meeting with China's foreign minister Yang Jiechi.
Bosworth was in Beijing on the first stop of a tour that will take him to South Korea, Japan and Russia in a bid to convince North Korea to resume stalled six-nation talks aimed at ending its nuclear weapons programme.
"We believe strongly that the solution to the tensions and problems of the area now lies in dialogue and negotiation," said Bosworth, who also met with his Chinese counterpart Wu Dawei.
Continue here.Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Arab News Confirms China Confidential Reporting: US Pressing Israel to Sign Anti-Atomic Arms Pact
China Confidential has been reporting since early April that the United States, China, Turkey, and other countries intend to focus attention on Israel's nuclear deterrent. On April 9, for example, China Confidential said:
U.S. President Barack Obama's call for a nuclear-free world, which ironically coincided with North Korea's defiant and illegal ballistic missile test, was aimed neither at nuclear-armed North Korea nor at its nuclear-arming ally, Iran, but at a courageous, democratically governed, American ally--Israel--whose continued existence may well depend on having both nuclear arms and the political will to use them in order to prevent a second Holocaust.
Obama intends to focus attention on Israel's nuclear deterrent in an attempt to appease Iran while also currying favor with Saudi Arabia, which is competing with Iran for influence over Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization that has become an Iranian proxy and is clearly committed to Israel's destruction. The Saudi King (before whom Obama bowed, deeply and submissively, when the two men met last week at the G20 summit in London) believes that Israel's military power--including its presumed arsenal of nuclear missiles--is the major source of instability in the Middle East.
Now, Saudi Arabia's English-language daily newspaper, Arab News, reports:The Obama administration may be about to rewrite a decades-old bipartisan American policy on Israel’s nuclear arsenal.
Democratic and Republican presidents previously have refused to pressure Israel to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, but President Barack Obama is shaking things up.
The first hint of this change came in Prague on April 5, when Obama outlined his vision for addressing the threat presented by the proliferation of nuclear arms and how the United States could contribute to the ultimate goal of reducing the number of these weapons to zero. Then this week, Assistant US Secretary Rose Gottemoeller, the top US negotiator and head of the US delegation at the UN meeting on the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), on Tuesday called for those who have refused to join the NPT to sign the nuclear pact.
Click here to continue reading. Bear in mind that the U.S. has protected Israel's nuclear program for 40 years, as Eli Lake explains. Click here for his article in the Washington Times.North Korea Playing Obama Like a Violin
North Korea has no intention of returning to stalled, six-nation nuclear negotiations. Instead, China Confidential sources say, the Stalinist/Kimist nation will make every effort possible--including detonating another nuclear weapon and test-firing more missiles--to pressure or intimidate the United States into direct talks. North Korea believes the U.S. will eventually give in and go along.
The North is right, unfortunately. The out-of-its-depth Obama administration is desperately trying to restart the six-party forum. Afraid, even, of confronting Islamist-linked, Somali pirates (the U.S. cargo ship captain was rescued by the U.S. Navy in spite of the Commander-in-Chief, not because of him), the cowardly crew in charge of U.S. foreign policy has no stomach for standing up to North Korea. As a result, the U.S. is practically begging China to bring its rogue vassal back to the negotiating table.
China is keeping North Korea fully informed of all relevant developments. Like Iran, North Korea could land a security guarantee if it plays its cards right with the U.S.
In the meantime, intelligence experts in Japan and South Korea say the North is also closely coordinating nuclear strategy with Iran--with Beijing's blessing.
Long term, North Korea intends to conquer the South ... and use its nuclear warheads and missiles to dominate Japan ... with Beijing's blessing.Washington Caves to Tehran's Turbaned Tyranny
The Obama administration is accelerating its planned appeasement of Iran and abandonment of Israel.
More than three decades after the catastrophic Carter administration caved to Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini and betrayed the Shah, a key U.S. ally and modernizing monarch, in a cynical and stupid attempt to hop aboard the Islamist bandwagon, Carter's philosophical heir to the Oval Office, President Barack Hussein Obama, is preparing to betray Israel and realign with one of the world's most monstrous regimes in a craven attempt to pacify the Middle East and halt the resurgence of the Taliban and Al Qaeda--and prevent them from seizing Pakistan's insecure nuclear arsenal.
In fact, the betrayal of Israel (and India and Egypt) has already begun--by definition. As China Confidential predicted ahead of the 2008 Presidential election, Obama's so-called tough, principled diplomacy with Iran is giving the Islamist nation the time it needs to achieve its nuclear objectives. The U.S. has ruled out the military option; oil-rich Iran is practically immune to sanctions; there is no logical reason for Iran to do anything except play with words in order to play for time and extract the maximum possible concessions from a weakened Washington.
The Obama administration is willing (a) to guarantee Iran's security with a U.S. pledge of non-interference, similar to the promise given to the Communist regime in Havana after the Cuban Missile Crisis, and (b) to live with a nuclearized Iran or an Iran permanently poised on the threshold of nuclear power--meaning, a country with long-range ballistic missiles that can mass-produce atomic warheads and bombs at will but supposedly chooses not to step over that line, or threshold, for reasons of enlightened self-interest.
Enlightened tyranny? Moderate Islamism? Whatever. Welcome to Obamanation....
AFP reports: The United States no longer seeks "regime change" in Iran, and Tehran should respond accordingly by embracing President Barack Obama's overtures, a top US senator said Wednesday.
"We are not in 'regime change' mode," Democrat John Kerry, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told a hearing exploring the prospects for Obama's new policy of engaging the Islamic republic.
"Our efforts must be reciprocated by the other side: Just as we abandon calls for regime change in Tehran and recognize a legitimate Iranian role in the region, Iran's leaders must moderate their behavior and that of their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas," said Kerry.
Kerry said his panel would release a report this week on the state of Tehran's suspect nuclear program, which Washington and its European partners fear aims to develop an atomic arsenal.
Kerry indicated that the document would underline the need for diplomacy backed by the threat of tougher sanctions or possibly the use of force, but a committee aide said it may not be made public.
Friday, 8 May 2009
US Senator Signals Acceptance of Nuclear-Arming Regime's Regional Dominance
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Britannia Radio