As Johnston says, however, none of these proposed measures is necessary or called for and would make matters far worse – not least because the constitutional reformers have already done enough damage to the governance of Britain. One of the principal causes of this crisis, after all, is theweakness of...Friday, 22nd May 2009
The danger of the wrong kind of revolution
In the Telegraph, Philip Johnston rightly expresses alarm that various people are attempting to use the current crisis over the corruption of Parliament to bring about the constitutional revolution for which they have long been agitating – written constitution, more plebiscites, PR, elected House of Lords, control of Parliament by the public, that kind of thing. Constitutional reformers are – to use the words of Rahm Emanuel across the pond – determined not to let a good crisis go to waste, and are hoping to seize their opportunity.
Friday, 22 May 2009
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Britannia Radio