Friday, May 08, 2009
North Korea to US: Dialogue is Useless
Obama Speech Could Help to Destabilize Egypt
President Barack Obama's decision to address "the Muslim world" in Egypt will focus attention on the country's human rights record and the authoritarian rule of its president, Hosni Mubarak, who faces a rising threat from the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran-backed Hezbollah.
Knowing this, Egyptian security and intelligence agencies are bracing for a wave of riots and terrorist incidents in the aftermath of Obama's speech.Hezbollah and Cuba Smuggling Drugs, Arms
Strategy Page reports:Dutch police recently arrested 17 people on Curacao and found that these drug smugglers were working with Iran backed Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah to smuggle cocaine into Europe and the Middle East, and smuggle weapons into South America. Four of those arrested were from Lebanon, the rest were from Cuba, Colombia and Lebanon. Since Cuba is a tightly controlled police state, any drug smuggling must be done in cooperation with the secret police (which takes a share of the profits). Hezbollah has been involved in the drug trade for over a decade, and has shown up in South America for as long, usually involved in various illegal money making schemes (to support Islamic terrorism). Cuba has long tolerated drug smugglers, as long as they paid well.
Obama to Address 'the Muslim World' in Egypt
Nearly eight years after 9/11, AFP reports:President Barack Obama will make his long-awaited direct address to Muslims in a major speech in Egypt on June 4, accelerating his effort to rebuild the tattered US image in the Islamic world.
Obama chose Egypt for what will be a closely watched appeal because it is the heart of the Arab world, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Friday, laying out details of a trip that will also take in Germany and France.
"On June 4, the president will give a speech in Egypt. The speech will be about America's relations with the Muslim world," Gibbs said.
The speech will demonstrate "how we can work together to ensure the safety and security and the future wellbeing through hope and opportunity of the children of this country and of the Muslim world," Gibbs said.
Gibbs said there were no plans for Obama to make any further stops in the Middle East during the visit, following press reports the president could also visit Israel on the trip.
China Confidential has learned that Obama also chose Egypt to reassure its President, Hosni Mubarak, that the U.S. does not intend to abandon the country in the context of appeasing nuclear-arming, non-Arab, Islamist Iran.
In fact, the speech is likely to have the effect of undermining Mubarak and bolstering the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, which, in an impressive bridging of Islam's historic theological divide, has been conspiring with Hezbollah, Iran's Shiite Lebanese proxy, in assassination and terrorist plots against the Egyptian government.
Visits to Egypt, Israel, and Jordan could help the cause of Middle East peace. An address in Egypt--to the Arab world, which includes Christians--followed by a visit to israel could help the cause of Middle East peace. But a speech to "the Muslim world" is by definition a major concession to right-wing, political Islam, or Islamism, which threatens secular Muslims and minorities across the region and in all predominantly Muslim countries. The clerical fascist creed has taken over and become virtually synonymous with organized Islam.
Contrary to what Obama and his followers may believe, the President is not a religious leader. He not the head of a world religion, like the Dalai Lama or the Pope. Obama is the President of the world's greatest democracy and the leader of the free world, which are under constant attack and pressure from Islamist terrorists and terrorist-sponsoring nations--and their anti-American allies (e.g. North Korea and Venezuela).
China Confidential analysts predict the speech will generally be hailed by political leaders and leading Islamic religious leaders; and an adoring Western media will praise Obama for the unprecedented act. Countless 90-second TV news stories, featuring sound bites from the proverbial Arab street, will be broadcast.
But here is what the folks on the street and in the coffee shops--and the imams and ayatollahs in the mosques-- will really be saying to each other: If not for Osama Binladen and the jihad, the American President would never have come and given our faith such respect. He is a Muslim, after all. His father was a Muslim. His election shows that Allah is on our side.US Diplomat Warns N. Korea Against Nuke Test
RTT News reports:Stephen Bosworth, the U.S. special envoy to North Korea, on Friday warned Pyongyang against conducting further nuclear tests, and urged the communist nation to return to the six-nation talks over its disputed nuclear program.
"If the North Koreans decide to carry out a second nuclear test, we will deal with consequences of that. And there will be consequences," Bosworth told reporters in Seoul after his meeting with South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan.
"But we can't control at this stage what North Korea does. We certainly very much hope that they will not do a second nuclear test," he said, adding that Pyongyang realizes "it is in their interest to continue dialogue and negotiation on a multilateral basis."
Bosworth is currently in the region in an effort to salvage the stalled six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear disarmament and to bring the impoverished nation back to the negotiating table.
Continue reading here.China Confidential analysts expect North Korea to escalate its rhetoric in response to Bosworth's comments. The North will probably threaten South Korea and Japan--and U.S. troops in the South and perhaps, even, the U.S. itself--with a nuclear holocaust.
In fact, a new Korean war is possible. Pyongyang could provoke a border clash, which could spin out of control.Hezbollah Helping Iran to Conquer Lebanon
Non-Arab Iran's Islamist, Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, "seeks to destroy the foundations of the sectarian regime in Lebanon agreed upon in the National Pact of 1943 that has been preserved by the Lebanese state ever since. The abolition of the existing political system will advance Hizbullah toward its fundamental goal: the establishment of an Islamic state and a complete Iranian takeover of Lebanon."
So says the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Click here to read the report.As Obama Moves to Abandon the Jewish State, Democrats Blame 'the Jews' for Financial Crisis
The worst irony of all: an overwhelming majority of American Jewish voters are slavishly devoted to America's leading anti-Semitic organization--the Democratic Party.
It's tragic but true. Click here for the story. The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community....
Interestingly, Democrats were especially prone to blaming Jews: while 32 percent of Democrats accorded at least moderate blame, only 18.4 percent of Republicans did so (a statistically significant difference). This difference is somewhat surprising given the presumed higher degree of racial tolerance among liberals and the fact that Jews are a central part of the Democratic Party’s electoral coalition.
Jew-Hating Hothouse
The Democratic Party's left wing has become a Jew-hating hothouse, populated by Islamist sympathizers and America-bashing radicals who long for the annihilation of Israel and the disappearance of the Jewish people. More important, the Democratic President--America's first Muslim-born President (owing to the fact that his Kenyan father was a Muslim, and Islam traces religion through the father)--has, since taking office, moved with astonishing speed to squeeze and isolate Israel. His engagement--code for appeasement--of Iran is providing the Islamist nation with the time it needs to develop nuclear weapons. Click here.
America's betrayal of the Jewish State, made possible, in part, by Jewish voters and Jewish collaborators, has the potential of becoming one of the worst chapters in Jewish history.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
As it moves toward its second nuclear weapon test, North Korea says there is no use in talking to the United States. Click here for the report.
Hezbollah and Cuba are partners in an international drug smuggling business.
North Korea could be speeding up the timetable for its next nuclear bomb test, as shown by a U.S. diplomat's warning to the Stalinist/Kimist state.
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Britannia Radio