LAW OF THE LAND? … … OR LAW OF THE SEA? The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday It is Common Law, the law of the land, that refers to the living, breathing, human being while Statute Law, or Maritime Law, the law of the sea, is the law of contracts that applies to commerce and corporations. So the purveyors of Statute Law, which is produced by governments and parliaments, had to invent fake ‘persons’ – corporations – to which their fake ‘laws’ could apply. This is the ‘Straw Man’, a legal fiction, which is created using your name in all capital letters. So david icke and other variations, like David: Icke and David-Vaughan: of the Icke family, are, under Common Law, the living, breathing, human being with a soul and DAVID ICKE is the legal fiction corporation/trust created to fall under the jurisdiction of Statute Law. Notice that when government, law enforcement, legal and financial agencies etc. communicate with you they invariably write your name in all capital letters. This is because they are not writing to you, the living being, but to the fake ‘Straw Man’ corporation that is created in your upper-case name when you are born. The trick is to keep you believing throughout your life that david icke and DAVID ICKE mean the same thing. They don't. It is vital to understand that governments, your local council, courts, police force and so on are privatecompanies and corporations. If you check this out with Dun and Bradstreet, which provides credit information on businesses and corporations worldwide, you can confirm this. According to Veronica: Chapman’s research, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and THE UNITED KINGDOM CORPORATION are in what is called Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This is a state of bankruptcy which … ‘… allows businesses to reorganize themselves, giving them an opportunity to restructure debt and get out from under certain burdensome leases and contracts. Typically a business is allowed to continue to operate while it is in Chapter 11, although it does so under the supervision of the Bankruptcy Court and its appointees.’ So who controls the ‘Bankruptcy Court and its appointees’ that are currently ‘supervising’ the ‘government’ corporations of the United States and United Kingdom? Try the House of Rothschild and its international banking cabal. |
Saturday, 9 May 2009
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Britannia Radio