Anyone see Kevin Maguire in the vicinity? Just a thought. Last time Dave’s bike was nicked the Mirror got an amazingly quick exclusive out of “recovering” the bike.
All was not lost. Dezzy Swayne (Dave’s PPS and bike riding companion) apparently lent Dave his bike so he could ride into Westminster for PMQs yesterday. Not the first time Dezzy has offered a younger Tory a ride.

Last night, as Dale predicted, Draper sent out an email to LabourList subscribers saying that he was stepping down as editor. No indication as to what has happened to Tom Miller, who aided and abetted Derek in his smear operations. The new editor, Alex Smith, seems to have decent intentions. Guido still has some reservations. Who pays Alex’s wages? Who funds Tangent Labs development of the rather clunky and overly expensive bespoke software and hosting on which the site runs? Is Derek still the proprietor?
ConservativeHome and LibDemVoice are much more transparent about funding. Some clarity from LabourList on this might be a good idea going forward. Guido genuinely wishes Alex well with the new direction of the site.
This morning Guido suggested that, to survive, the Indy should go digitaland abandon paper deliveries for iPhone or Kindle digital only versions. Today Amazon announced a digital distribution deal for the large screen Kindle:
The New York Times Company and Washington Post Company are launching pilots with Kindle DX this summer. The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and The Washington Post will offer the Kindle DX at a reduced price to readers who live in areas where home-delivery is not available and who sign up for a long-term subscription to the Kindle edition of the newspapers.
The Dead Tree Press is dying. You read it here first…

Google has introduced “predictive search” based on what most other people have searched for previously. Revealing isn’t it?