May, 7 2009
AN ILLEGAL immigrant from China who was caught working at a restaurant in Dunfermline paid the equivalent of £20,000 to get into the UK, a sheriff heard...
The Courier - (07/05)
Britain has almost twice as many new HIV cases diagnosed in a year as any other west European country, new figures show. There were 7,734 new cases of the virus recorded in 2007, nearly double the figure reported at the turn of the millennium, according to...
Metro - (06/05)
Criminal gangs are using immigration laws to traffic children into Britain through Heathrow Airport, a leaked report has revealed. More than 80 children have escaped from an assessment centre near Heathrow airport and only four of them have been...
96.9 Viking FM - (06/05)
A French government advice centre to help migrants in Calais who want to stay in France opened this week - and failed to get a single inquiry. Critics said the zero response was proof that the migrants only ever had one destination in mind -...
Daily Mail - (06/05)
THREE Indian illegal immigrants masterminded the single biggest visa scam seen in Britain, a court heard...
Online Sun - (06/05)
More than 80 Chinese children have gone missing from the home since 2006, a report from the UK Border Agency seen by the Guardian newspaper states. Hillingdon Council said it was unable to stop the children from leaving as it would breach their human...
BBC News UK - (06/05)
Twelve UK-bound illegal migrants came within a few seconds of being burned to death after hiding inside a French chemical tanker today. It is the latest in a long list of horrifying incidents illustrating how desperate foreigners are to get to...
Daily Mail - (06/05)
The cost of the Government's identity card scheme has risen to more than £5.3 billion, an official report revealed today as ministers rebuffed new calls for them to be...
Evening Standard - (06/05)
Gordon Brown today promised an investigation after it emerged that a childrens home near Heathrow airport has been used as a clearing house by traffickers who have sold dozens of Chinese youngsters into slavery, prostitution or the drugs trade in...
The Times - (06/05)
By Jim Reed Newsbeat crime reporter The UK Border Authority has told Newsbeat it deported a record 66,000 illegal immigrants last year as part of a new attempt to cut the number of people working in Britain without...
BBC Radio 1 - (06/05)
High rates of welfare benefits are making the British job market more attractive to foreign workers, an immigration watchdog said...
Salford Online - (06/05)
Up on its plinth, the huge statue of Admiral Lord Collingwood, the man who took command of the British fleet at Trafalgar as Lord Nelson lay dying, stares resolutely out over the River...
Financial Times - (06/05)
THOUSANDS of children will not get into their first-choice primary school this autumn because of a severe shortage of places, research revealed...
Sunday Express - (06/05)
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Paid thousands to get into UK
Britain has most new HIV cases in Europe
Gangs Traffic Children Through Heathrow
Calais opens 'welcome centre' to help migrants stay in France... and gets ZERO enquiries (proof they all want to come to Britain?)
'Visa scam gang let in hundreds'
Care children 'being trafficked'
Twelve UK-bound illegal immigrants just seconds from being burned to death with acid after hiding in chemical tanker
Cost of ID cards hits £5.3 billion
Brown orders inquiry into child slaves passed through Heathrow care home
'Record illegal immigrants deported'
Benefit Payments 'leave little incentive for unskilled Britons to work'
Voters' dark views cloud Labour horizon
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Britannia Radio