Thursday, 7 May 2009

Here is your Crux AM update: 

Why the new "overseas tax" idea is utterly stupid
American firms are already uncompetitive around the world… Obama's latest tax grab will make it worse.

Swiss banks are running out of gold coins
"Zurich ain't what it used to be..."

Taleb: Gold and copper may "rally massively" in coming crisis
Buy precious metals in the face of inflation; Chinese demand.

SHOCKING: Oprah sparks riots at KFC; drains company of entire chicken supply
A free KFC offer from Oprah is bringing down the company.

Amazing chart of the day… stocks yield less than U.S. gov't bonds
There has been a stunning turnaround in stocks vs. bonds.

The cheapest way to buy Warren Buffett's favorite stocks
Buffett loves these five stocks, and you can buy them cheaper than he did...


The Daily Crux