Thursday, 7 May 2009

I Touched $150 Trillion in Cash Yesterday
By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

My first trip to a Swiss bank was not at all what I expected...

I don't know about you, but I expected something out of a spy novel... You know, a beautiful young woman behind a wood-paneled counter, asking for your secret account number and whisking you down to an impenetrable vault. I expected to see guards everywhere, courteous... but packing heat.

I was a guest of a rare coin wholesaler who'd arrived in Zurich on a private jet. To get into the vault, we walked up to a counter that could have been in a Peoria bus station. The vault itself looked like a big locker room at the local gym.

"Zurich ain't what it used to be," the coin dealer told me.

"When FDR made it illegal to own gold in America in 1933, all the smart or rich people sent their gold coins to Swiss banks," he said. "For decades, I'd come over to these Swiss banks, load up with pre-1933 U.S. gold coins, and then sell them to coin dealers back in America."

This U.S. coin wholesaler introduced me to the head of the bank's coin department. "We're essentially out of U.S. coins," the banker told us. "We actually go to America to buy U.S. coins. We bring them back to Switzerland to sell, because clients think we'll have them."

The bank had been picked clean. The few coins the bank did have were not desirable. They had mint Swiss Helvetias – but these are widely available. And they had a few particularly old coins from Turkey and Colombia. Our host bought a couple of those for his own collection. I think he was just buying to be polite.

My friend Michael Checkan (of, one of my favorite bullion dealers) has also spent the last 40 years flying back and forth from Switzerland, dealing in precious metals and foreign currencies. Michael sent me some mail this week, with three bills inside... one crisp Iraqi dinar and two extraordinary bills...

A $50 trillion note and a $100 trillion note from Zimbabwe. (That's how I touched $150 trillion yesterday!)

The truth is, these notes are worthless... In August 2008, Zimbabwe lopped 10 zeros off its currency – so an old $10 billion Zimbabwe note became worth one Zimbabwe dollar.

You'd think that would have taken care of things... a fresh start. But seven months later, in February 2009, Zimbabwe had to lop off another 12 zeros.

I tell you this because the United States is following Zimbabwe's program. The U.S. is printing money at a faster rate than ever before, and hoping it does some good. The important thing to understand is this:
Just because serious Zimbabwe-style inflation hasn't happened here doesn't mean it can't happen.

Michael Checkan often passes out "souvenirs" when he speaks. He passes out now-worthless bills from countries all over the world. I probably have worthless bills from more than 100 countries right now.

I get a kick out of million-peso notes from all over South America. The 50 million deutschemark note from Weimar Germany is interesting. But the Zimbabwe bill with "$100,000,000,000,000" written on it now takes the cake.

By passing these notes out at speeches, Michael is making a point about the power and danger of a government printing press... He doesn't say much. Worthless bills from over 100 countries are evidence enough. They make his case.

That's why Michael and my coin dealer friend are interested in gold...

Related Articles
How to Buy Gold Now... with a Proven Track Record
A Distortion in the Gold Market Could Make You 200% This Year
It's getting harder to come by. The Swiss banks are out of pre-1933 gold coins. The premiums on "raw" gold coins are at record highs. And the mint now sells out of its gold coins.

It's no surprise gold has tripled in price in the last eight years. The old saying "you can print more dollars, but you can't print more gold" seems to finally be carrying some weight in the market. Let's hope our government doesn't go as far as Zimbabwe before it learns the lesson, too.

Good investing,


P.S. If you're worried about inflation, I've prepared a report on how to go about investing in gold for the biggest, safest gains. In it, I show you what to expect, who to call, and when to buy to maximize your gains. As you'll see, we've got hundreds of percent upside from here. For more details,
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