Well, it saddens me to say this but Conservative charmer Nadine Dorries was appalling on BBC5 live this morning. She came across as a drama queen trougher apologist and whoever advised that this would be a good move is crazy. For once, just for once, the BBC interviewer Victoria Derbyshire, actually made some good points as Nadine dug herself into a hole six foot deep. Did you hear this - or perhaps I imagined it ;-) Did you share my misfortune in listening to this item on the BBC this morning? Dhimmi David Miliband was in full flow as he explained how we don't show enough respect to the Muslim world and that the modernisation afoot in Islam is not being given due recognition. Really? The bit that sickened me MOST was when Miliband got to insert the usual "There'll never be peace until Israel and Palestinians are reconciled by the former allowing the latter to create their own little terror State" mantra, claiming that on 12 September the world was united in support of the USA. Not in the Palestinian territories, Mr Bean. They danced with joy as the Towers fell, you misrepresenting clown. Furthermore, Mr Bean then adds that he was impressed by Obama declaring that we are not at war with Islam. Fine. But that does not stop a significant section of Islam being at war with us, does it? Miliband gets the softest of rides possible in this interview and I suppose so long as he denies reality then that will continue. Anyone else catch this paean to Cuba on Today this morning? The BBC just loves doing everything possible to big up the kind and charitable priorities of the Castro gulag of our times. Wonder if BBC reporter Michael Voss ever wonders why so many Cubans risk their very lives trying to escape this veritable nirvana on Earth? The bottom line is the BBC is shilling for Obama to restores diplomatic ties to Cuba. From the Socialist Unity blog yesterday : See how the BBC reports the fiasco at the Edinburgh Film Festival. How dumbed down this is, and how casually they recount Ken Loach’s boycotting blackmail, MR BEAN AND THE WAR ON TERROR
"typical urban dwellers"
>> THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2009
Can anyone explain why Jeremy Vine’s show on Radio 2 this afternoon ended up interviewing John Rees, former SWP big cheese, as a studio guest representing typical urban dwellers, in a debate contrasting city life with rural living ?
Among the comments : As National Secretary of Respect, John Rees appeared on the show many times, presumably the producers & Vine liked his style and so when they needed someone to speak on this subject called a few names on their list and JR came through. There’s no mystery.
The SWP have these weird connections in the BBC. A few years back, Paul Thatcher from Portsmouth SWP appeared on R4 as a “man in the street” disgruntled ex-Labour voter, neglecting to mention that he had actually stood against Labour in the previous general election as a Socialist Alliance candidate.
How strange that the SWP should have connections at the BBC when many of its ex and current members have presented or been involved in producing programs for it.
Film Festival Fiasco
- (Loach) urged pro Palestinians to “stay away” -
and how little they are making of Ginnie Atkinson’s astonishing U-turn. The item has been running at Harry’s place since 15th May, and updated on19th, and today Melanie P has taken it up. The BBC plays it down, and carries on plugging Loach's film about Eric Cantona regardless.
Saturday, 23 May 2009
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Britannia Radio