Saturday, May 23, 2009
N. Korea Preparing to Test Short-Range Missiles
Following a warning by China Confidential analysts on Tuesday that North Korea was planning a series of new provocations in order to raise international tensions,
North Korea appears to be preparing to test-fire short-range missiles after banning ships from waters off its northeast coast, a report said Friday.
A vehicle mounted with a missile launcher has been seen moving around for the past two or three days in an eastern coastal area of Hamkyong province, South Korea's Yonhap news agency quoted a government source as saying.
"Judging from an analysis of the movements, the North appears to be preparing to test-launch short-range missiles," the source was quoted as saying.
In Tokyo, Japan's Coast Guard said the communist state was warning ships not to pass through waters within a 130-kilometre (80-mile) radius of the town of Kimchaek.
It said the warning applied to the hours between 10:00 am (0100 GMT) and 6:00 pm until the end of this month.
Click here to continue.Friday, May 22, 2009
Observing Obama's Appeasement of Iran, this American Jew Thinks Hitler Made Two Big Blunders
June is going to be some month.
It seems that President Barack Obama plans to visit Germany in connection with the 65th anniversary of D-Day on June 6 in order to apologize for America's bombing of German cities during World War II.
Go to Atlas Shrugs for the complete coverage.
The Apologizer-in-Chief's German speech will follow his June 4 address to the America-hating, Holocaust-denying "Muslim world" from Egypt--an outrageous stunt that will validate Islamist ideology and confirm the worst fears and suspicions of Obama's defense-minded critics, including this reporter. America's first Muslim-born, Third World-American President is effectively acting like an agent of influence for those who muse openly about "a world without America and Israel" or, at the very least, a world with no Israel and a crippled or severely weakened America.
Notwithstanding the above, there is, incredibly, no sign that large numbers of American Jews are prepared to speak out against the President. None. Zip. Zero. American Jews overwhelmingly voted for Obama, the Candidate of Change, in spite of the credible warnings and ample evidence that he would obsessively seek to create a Palestinian state at Israel's expense and "engage" nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran. After four months of Change, his support in the Jewish community seems rock solid. Besides, many Jews say, Obama's appointment of two prominent Jews to important positions--White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Presidential Senior Adviser David Axelrod--proves that Obama is OK for Israel. So what if the meeting with Bibi didn't go well? He's a right-winger, anyway. Under Obama, there was a kosher Passover seder in the White House! Progress! Hope! Change!
Hmm.... The head-spinning, stomach-turning developments make this lifelong, Jewish supporter of Israel think that Adolf Hitler made two big blunders in his quest for world domination. He attacked the Soviet Union, and he did not invite American Jewish leaders to a specially catered, kosher lunch in Berlin before the war.
Seriously. Had Hitler been able to hide his fanatical hatred of Jews for only a few hours, he might have been able to mobilize liberal American Jewish opinion in favor of a policy of appeasement toward Nazi Germany--perhaps, even, a formal pledge of non-interference in Germany's internal affairs, such as the ones that future American administrations would give Fidel Castro after the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, or under Obama, be willing to offer Iran as part of a "Grand Bargain" to pacify the Middle East. A free, kosher lunch might not have been enough to win over the so-called Jewish leaders. The Nazi madman probably would have had to have made the effort of actually appointing a Jewish adviser (on Jewish affairs, say) to accomplish his aim.
So-Called Jewish Leaders
A high-level Jewish adviser--yes! That would have worked wonders for the Fuhrer. The Jewish Leaders would have returned home to reassure their concerned fellow Jews and the American media that Hitler had no intention of starting a war, regardless of Germany's ominous rearmament and military buildup, and that he was instead interested in forging a closer relationship between Germany and the United States, one that could possibly even lead to an alliance of some sort--a Grand Bargain--to preserve peace in Europe. As for "the Jewish Problem," the American Jewish bigwigs would have said that while some Jews were indeed suffering in Germany, there really was room for progress--quietly, of course, behind the scenes. Quiet, patient, principled diplomacy--that's the ticket!
And so it would have gone. Dialogue and diplomacy are the answers, the Jewish Leaders would have said; no sanctions, no big, public protests--they would only make matters worse for Germany's Jews and needlessly antagonize the Nazis--no talk of armed intervention or future conflict, heaven forbid. These insane ideas, inherently provocative and aggressive--especially in the midst of an economic crisis and in the wake of the First World War--would make war inevitable. That is what the Jewish Leaders would have said.
The impact of their meeting with Herr Hitler and call for engagement and dialogue would have been instant (or what passed for instant in the time before television and the Internet). Overnight, the brave minority warning of a rising, imperialist threat across the ocean would have been marginalized--maybe forever. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, there could have been a crucial decision by the U.S. government to avoid or delay declaring war on Germany as well as Japan, perhaps accompanied by a Presidential speech reminding the public of Germany's great contributions to Western civilization and culture and to the shaping of American society.
Isolationists and Fascists
Though the anti-Semitic rabble--the foot soldiers in armbands and jackboots and white sheets--would have been appalled by Hitler's meeting with Jewish Leaders, the Fuhrer's more sophisticated American supporters and sympathizers would have understood his diabolically clever move. Influential isolationists and fascists--the Pat Buchanans of that awful era--would have laughed all the way to the next America First or German American Bund (or Silver Shirts, or Black Legion, or Ku Klux Klan) rally. The (self-hating Jewish) Roger Cohen of that day--there is always a Roger Cohen whenever and wherever Jewish communities are threatened with annihilation and persecution--would surely have written a series of articles for the (ultra-assimilated, Jewish family-owned) New York Times about Jewish conditions in Germany being not so bad, after all, despite the beatings and racial laws, the persecution and the humilation, the incessant anti-Semitic propaganda, and all that. [In fact, the revered liberal columnist Walter Lippmann--a genuine Jewish anti-Semite--wrote approvingly of Hitler in the late 1920s, advising his readers that the Nazi leader would "moderate" his views upon achieving power.]
Now, this reporter knows what you are thinking. Obama is no Hitler. Obviously. God help us if that were the case. But Obama's policies and actions are giving new Hitlers--the leaders of Islamist Iran--time to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles capable of destroying Israel and bringing America to its knees.
In other words, Obama's appeasement of Iran and betrayal of Israel is effectively helping to prepare the ground for a new Holocaust and a new world war.
Going Along
And American Jews and Jewish organizations ... seemingly slavishly bound to a Democratic Party with a left wing that now views the establishment of Israel as a mistake ... are going along for the ride. American Jewish voters overwhelmingly chose Obama over John McCain, a proven friend of Israel--and a genuine American hero--and they don't seem at all ready to jump ship. They are not even close to the exit ramp.
What will it take for American Jews to stand up and be counted? Will Obama's call for a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem open their eyes? Probably not. In contrast with bible believing Christians and observant Jews, liberal Jews are fashionably forsaking Israel's capital. Strong support for Israel is so yesterday ... so ... Bush/Cheney.
How sickening. This much your Confidential Reporter knows: the time is fast approaching for American Jewry, which turned its back on the Jews of Europe during the Great Depression of the 1930s ... out of fear of offending an extraordinarily popular American President and stirring up anti-Semitism by feeding the isolationist and pro-fascist propaganda that "the Jews" were aiming to drag America into another world war ... to decide between their loyalty to a political party that bears no resemblance to that which their parents and grandparents voted for and adored for generations and their professed love of Israel whose security ... along with the security of the United States ... is clearly being undermined by everything that Obama is presently doing, has done, and plans to do.
Which side are you on, American Jews--America and Israel or Obama and the Democratic Party?
Saturday, 23 May 2009
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Britannia Radio