At Section VII it states the duties of the Commissioner for Standards and Privileges who together with the House of Commons is responsible for the application of this code. There is a Code for the Lords and it has been applied to the two Lords who have taken money to promote favourable responses in Lords' debates. I wonder why the MPs Code has not been brought into use in the present situation? According to my MP we can register a complaint with the Commissioner. Perhaps we should run a campaign to get something done. The Code can be downloaded from" I knew that rules existed, but not where to find them. For the benefit of others who have problems finding things, and for those short of time, I have attached 3 documents which seem to fit the description given by David. Regarding his suggestion about making further complaints, if the Mark Thomas legal team ask for a Judicial Review, I will make a personal complaint to the Commissioner. At that time, I will ask the Group whether members would like to make an individual complain, or a group complaint, or both. The issue of accountability is so important. A Thought Having read these documents, I'm left wondering : - how this country was taken into an illegal war, - how our troops were sent to war inadequately provisioned, - how Dr. Kelly and John de Menenzes were murdered, - how so many inroads were made into removing the freedoms and rights enjoyed in this country for centuries, and - how the ID legislation was brought in, with no acknowledgement from the government (or any of the three main parties) that public opinion mattered, and any kind of enquiry should take place. Remember, public dissatisfaction with all of the above issues was made and no politician could be in any doubt as to public dissatisfaction with this issues. Nothing was done. People were very annoyed by our politicians clear indifference to public opinion. All of the above issues are important. So WHY is the issue of MP's expenses forcing government accountability? I keep getting this feeling - is a con in progress? Kind regards to all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jh
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Subject: Re: MP's Expenses - The Rules
Thank you for this, however, here is a little more. and please read the reports at the end-an eye opener if you have not seen them before. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a
Ministerial Code 2007
The Guide to the Rules relating to the conduct of Members
And for the House of Commons
For Reports on Mrs Spelman, Mr Gordon Brown, Mr Derek Conway, Mr Peter Hain,Mr Jack Straw, see
By now, you should not be surprised at what you read.
Previous years at the bottom of the page.
Actually, part of this has been sent to the Telegraph (doubt it will be printed though) and also the Western News, Anne
When I think of "the little people" that pay MP's wages out of the high taxes they have to pay, or being fined for filling a bin too much thus leaving the lid up, or accidentally (and I use that word advisedly) dropping a small piece of litter they too are fined, and fined again. Maybe even putting the wrong litter in the wrong bin, heaven help us? Then in this politically correct world, we may even say the wrong thing, what then?
Never have so many so called honourable MP's made such a vast array of "mistakes", "accounting errors", or "accidentally forgotten" they have already paid their mortgage that they have claimed for or whatever, with money from the hard earned taxes of the "little people" that placed their trust in them enough to vote them in to such an honourable position. Not only have these MP's betrayed the people's trust, they have betrayed the oft times envied position by others outside these shores and that once held in high regard and respect for our Parliament throughout the world.
Neither we that voted for them nor those MP's themselves are even fit to be members of the European Union, for these are MP's that would not even listen to the people that voted for them. It is time to withdraw the Treaty of Lisbon for we recognise now the shame and deceit they went to in order to deny the people a say on that very constitutional Treaty of Lisbon. I say that knowing that the Vienna Convention of Treaties requires Treaties to be clear and understood by all, yet as we know, the Treaty of Lisbon was deliberately muddled so that very few would understand it and with the INTENTION of being able to say, it is nothing like the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe-thus there is no need to hold a referendum. That obviously is not the case. Lisbon is a very constitutional Treaty that requires the people's agreement for the severe loss of their sovereignty. That is if any of us can even believe that any election or referendum held in this Country any more, could be true and fair. Such is the lack of trust now, I would rather believe Mugabe. xxxxxxxxxxx a
Subject: MP's Expenses - The Rules
"In all the furore over MP's expenses I have yet to hear or read anyone in the media refer to The Code of Conduct and the Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members, which was approved by the House of Commons on 24th.July 1996. It contains at Section III under "Public Duties of Members" their Oath of Allegiance to "Her Majesty the Queen". That Members have a duty to uphold the Law and to act on all occasions in accordance with the public trust placed in them. In Section IV under "General Principles of Conduct" the Code lays out those principles. The first of these is (and please do not laugh!) "Selflessness. Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.". It goes on to Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Open-ness and Leadership with each being amplified.
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