Are Brazil and France Conspiring to Bury Evidence of a Possible Terrorist Bombing of AF Flight 447?

Speculation that a high-altitude "stall" in a violent thunderstorm may have led to the disintegration of Air France Flight 447 is worrisome. Apparently, civiil aviation is more dangerous than commonly assumed; and jetliners can break apart in midair.
Accent on apparently. The stall theory, like the earlier lightning strike explanation, will not be easy to sell, especially in light of suppressed bomb threats to Air France prior to the catastrophe and suspicious attempts by Nelson Jobim, Brazil's Defence Minister, to rule out explosion as a possible cause of the crash. The official told reporters yesterday that a 12-mile-long slick of fuel had been found under the planned route of the Airbus, and that meant it was improbable that there had been a fire or explosion, because the jet fuel would have ignited.
Not true. China Confidential analysts confirm that an explosion could fracture the fuselage and cause the break-up of an aircraft without igniting the fuel, which is mainly carried in the wings.