Thursday, June 04, 2009
Obama Expected to Equate Buchenwald and Dresden on Next Stop of World Apology Tour
Melanie Phillips looks forward to the next stop on the Obama world apology tour:
What is also highly troubling about Obama’s imminent trip is not just his speech in Cairo but where he is going after that. For his next stop is Buchenwald – and straight after that, Dresden. Dresden? Why on earth Dresden of all places? One reason only, surely. The symbolism is unmistakeable – the site of the most controversial Allied bombing of World War Two. It looks horribly like Obama intends to make a symbolic statement of reproach for that event – just to go there makes the point, without even saying anything -- and even worse, to make some kind of equation with the slaughter at Buchenwald. One holocaust doesn't deserve another, would seem to be the unspoken message, would it not? Or to put it another way, if Jews defend themselves by military means, they turn into Nazis.
In the light of Iran’s genocidal threats against Israel and the nuclear weapons that Obama is giving it the time to assemble to make good those threats, such symbolism would be unspeakable – and another feather of western defeatism for a gloating Iran to stick in its cap.
Obama Echoed Al Qaeda Calumnies

Marc Thiessen says President Obama "echoed Al-Qaeda’s calumnies ... and did so in a foreign land."
Click here for the analysis.
Nothing good will come from Obama's speech. It will embolden extremists and lead to an escalation of Islamist terrorism and political pressures on the United States and its allies, including Israel, Egypt, and Jordan--and European countries, including France, trying to resist Islamist demands for special rights and segregated spaces.
Obama has essentially given Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood a license to overthrow the country's aging, authoritarian president, Hosni Mubarak.
Chavez Says He is to the Right of 'Comrade' Obama

Reuters reports:
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday that he and Cuban ally Fidel Castro risk being more conservative than U.S. President Barack Obama as Washington prepares to take control of General Motors Corp.
During one of Chavez's customary lectures on the "curse" of capitalism and the bonanzas of socialism, the Venezuelan leader made reference to GM's bankruptcy filing, which is expected to give the U.S. government a 60 percent stake in the 100-year-old former symbol of American might.
"Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right," Chavez joked on a live television broadcast.
During a decade in government, Chavez has nationalized most of Venezuela's key economic sectors, including multibillion dollar oil projects, often via joint ventures with the private sector that give the state a 60 percent controlling stake.
What is also highly troubling about Obama’s imminent trip is not just his speech in Cairo but where he is going after that. For his next stop is Buchenwald – and straight after that, Dresden. Dresden? Why on earth Dresden of all places? One reason only, surely. The symbolism is unmistakeable – the site of the most controversial Allied bombing of World War Two. It looks horribly like Obama intends to make a symbolic statement of reproach for that event – just to go there makes the point, without even saying anything -- and even worse, to make some kind of equation with the slaughter at Buchenwald. One holocaust doesn't deserve another, would seem to be the unspoken message, would it not? Or to put it another way, if Jews defend themselves by military means, they turn into Nazis.
In the light of Iran’s genocidal threats against Israel and the nuclear weapons that Obama is giving it the time to assemble to make good those threats, such symbolism would be unspeakable – and another feather of western defeatism for a gloating Iran to stick in its cap.

Marc Thiessen says President Obama "echoed Al-Qaeda’s calumnies ... and did so in a foreign land."
Click here for the analysis.
Nothing good will come from Obama's speech. It will embolden extremists and lead to an escalation of Islamist terrorism and political pressures on the United States and its allies, including Israel, Egypt, and Jordan--and European countries, including France, trying to resist Islamist demands for special rights and segregated spaces.
Obama has essentially given Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood a license to overthrow the country's aging, authoritarian president, Hosni Mubarak.

Reuters reports:
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday that he and Cuban ally Fidel Castro risk being more conservative than U.S. President Barack Obama as Washington prepares to take control of General Motors Corp.
During one of Chavez's customary lectures on the "curse" of capitalism and the bonanzas of socialism, the Venezuelan leader made reference to GM's bankruptcy filing, which is expected to give the U.S. government a 60 percent stake in the 100-year-old former symbol of American might.
"Hey, Obama has just nationalized nothing more and nothing less than General Motors. Comrade Obama! Fidel, careful or we are going to end up to his right," Chavez joked on a live television broadcast.
During a decade in government, Chavez has nationalized most of Venezuela's key economic sectors, including multibillion dollar oil projects, often via joint ventures with the private sector that give the state a 60 percent controlling stake.
Obama Overtures to Muslim Brotherhood Recall Carter's Craven Outreach to Ayatollah Khomeini

History repeats itself.
In a further sign that the Obama administration is preparing to abandon and betray Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, it develops that the U.S. President recently met in Washington with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Click here for the story.
Obama's overture to the Muslim Brotherhood, which murdered Mubarak's predecessor, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, spawned Al Qaeda and Hamas, and now pretends to be non-violent, recalls the Carter administration's craven cooperation with the Ayatollah Khomeini before the overthrow of Iran's modernizing, pro-American monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.
The Obama administration is engaging--code for appeasing--and seeking to align the United States with the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran's Islamist regime and Islamist proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah--still formally designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations by the U.S. State Department.
Islamism is no longer a threat, according to the administration; and the party line is being embraced with enthusiasm by Islamist sympathizers in the liberal media. CNN is practically an outpost of Obama/Islamist disinformation and propaganda, as shown by the active measures of the cable TV network's chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpur, who supports security guarantees for Tehran's turbaned tyrants even though her family was forced to flee Iran after the overthrow of the Shah.
In fact, the administration sees Islamism as the wave of the future; hence, its overture to the Muslim Brotherhood and the President's address to "the Muslim world." Secular regimes and leaders are seen as dinosaurs and dangerous liabilities.
The only Islamist organization that is beyond the diplomatic pale is Al Qaeda, with which Obama appears to be competing for influence among Islamists.
Addressing World's Muslims, Obama Embraces Political Islam Except for 'Violent Extremism'
Nearly eight years after Saudi-financed Al Qaeda terrorists slaughtered some 3,000 Americans on American soil, America's first Muslim-born President, Barack Hussein Obama, fresh from a summit with the Saudi King, has reduced radical Islam's war against Western civilization to a morally equivalent altercation among equally valid and respect-worthy competitors.
His much anticipated speech to "the Muslim world" from Egypt's Cairo University repeated previously stated Presidential lies, including the blatant falsehood that Islam meaningfully "enriched" American culture throughout its history.
"Islam is a part of America," Obama said, after citing an American Muslim population of seven million, the existence of "a mosque in every state" in the Union, and the federal government's intervention in court cases to safeguard the right of Muslim women to wear the Muslim headscarf--symbol of Islamist success in Turkey, Egypt, Syria, and other countries.
Quoting "the Holy Koran," he denied Islam's inherently intolerant aspects and sought to marginalize and isolate Al Qaeda--apparently, the only Islamist group or nation, including nuclear-arming Iran, with which his administration is not prepared to "engage."
He apologized for U.S. "torture" of Muslims after 9/11.
"America's strong bonds with israel are well known" and "unbreakable," Obama said.
He condemned Holocaust denial and threats to destroy Israel. No applause.
"On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people have suffered," Obama said, adding that the "situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable."
Equating efforts to annihilate Israel with Israel's struggle for existence, he endorsed the two-state solution--creation of a Palestinian state--to tepid applause.
Shockingly, he compared the Palestinian "story" to the enslavement of Africans in the United States and apartheid in South Africa, stressing that freedom in both cases was not won with violence.
"The United States does not recognize the legitimacy of Israeli settlements," Obama said. "It is time for these settlements to stop."
He blamed the "continuing humanitarian crisis in Gaza" and "lack of opportunity in the West Bank" on Israel.
The Arab-Israeli conflict must not be "distraction," Obama said. "Instead, it must be a cause for [positive] action."
"It is time for us to act on what everyone knows to be true," Obama said--meaning, that neither Israel nor the Palestinians will "go away."
He suggested that Jerusalem should be internationalized (or again divided) in order for it to become the capital of both the new Palestinian state and Israel.
Turning to Iran, he effectively apologized for America's overthrow of its left-wing Prime Minister and installment of the Shah--a modernizing monarch--in the 1950s.
Calling for a world "in which no nations hold nuclear weapons," he endorsed Iran's right to civilian nuclear power.
Regarding America's democracy-promotion project, he affirmed a commitment to governments that express the will of the people--each government in its own way.
He said the U.S. will support human rights everywhere.
"Suppressing ideas will never make them go away," Obama said.
On religious freedom, he asserted that "Islam has a proud tradition of religious tolerance."
"The richness of religious diversity must be upheld whether it is for Maronites in Lebanon or Copts in Egypt," he said.
He criticized Western countries' efforts to limit Muslim veils and headscarves.
He raised the issue of women's rights, about which, there is "a healthy debate."
Incredibly, he equated "Issues of women's equality" in backward and barbaric Muslim countries to the struggle for women's rights in the U.S.
Expanded literacy and opportunities for micro-financing and employment--all that the U.S. will support, he said, before effectively apologizing for "mindless sexual" content in entertainment in the West and modernity and globalization.
"In ancient times and in our times Muslim communities have been in the forefront of education" and innovation, he said.
He promised more exchange programs and said he would encourage more Americans to study in Muslim countries.
He also promised to create "a new corps" to help Muslim countries and to call a summit on entrepreneurship that would result in more green energy jobs in Muslim lands.
"We have the power to make the world we seek," he said, before concluding with quotes from the Koran, Talmud, and New Testament.
Standing ovation....
NOTES: No mention of relentless beating, stoning, "honor killing" and overall oppression of women in Muslim countries. Strong signal of an open door for ceaseless Muslim immigration to the U.S. and U.S. support for Islamist groups pressuring for separate spaces and preferential rights.
Following the speech, Fox News interviewed an important Obama adviser who referred to eight million Muslims in the U.S.