George Handlery about the week that was. Is the real Europe to centralize power or to protect its member nations? Demonstrated good will can be taken as a sign of weakness. Some see the reactive push that responds to their shove as aggression. Ahmadinejad‘s election and nuclear issues. Who colonized whom? Too big to fail, or too big to be saved? 1. To some, voting to determine the composition the European Parliament is an exercise in futility. The writer does not share this view. The inclination to write off the institution is the result of its misuse by those that have shanghaied it. Europe needs an institutional expression that provides internal mediation and secures a voice in global affairs. The main question is the definition of what the Europe to be shall be like. Until now, the Left could dominate „Europe“ so as to achieve goals that could not be realized in the national constituencies. In the election of June 7, the parties of the right won. The result expresses the disappointment with what had been done in Europe‘s name. However, the judgment also stands for a new course that rejects PC, artificial homogenization and bureaucratic centralism. The results affirm the diversity of the constituent parts that is to be protected and not repressed by central institutions. It will be up to the new majority to correct the distortions created in the name of administratively imposed „solidarity“. The mandate is there. The need to act is undeniable. Will the opportunity be used?Duly Noted: Not Europe, But Bureaucratic Centralism Was Rejected
Sunday, 14 June 2009
From the desk of George Handlery on Sat, 2009-06-13 17:00
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Britannia Radio