
I mostly agree with this analysis of why almost ONE MILLION people voted for the BNP last week.
WHEN anti-fascist activists threw eggs at Nick Griffin, the BNP leader and newly elected MEP, the only people left with egg on their faces were this Labour Government. For it is the Labour Party that has, over 12 long years, ignored the concerns of the people it claimed to represent and forced them to turn, in desperation and fear, into the arms of these neo-Nazi thugs in last week’s European elections. Labour ministers don’t send their children to schools where most pupils don’t speak English and where nativity plays are banned as “racist”; they don’t languish on council-house waiting lists, take crowded buses or wait in NHS hospitals; and they don’t live in streets where English isn’t spoken, where women cover their faces with burkhas or where shop names are in a foreign language. Yet that is the reality for millions – of every colour and religion – in Britain today. Are they all racist or just afraid that their country has changed beyond recognition?"
I think however that what is not so easily understood is that Labour has deliberately set out to turn large chunks of the UK into a foreign land. Their radical agenda literally knows no borders and so the concept of a multicultural country stripped off every visible sign of British culture has been an objective, not an accident. Having achieved this in some areas, the question is; how is it going to reversed? The disturbing fact is that the growing numbers of BNP supporters is a cry for help from people desperate to live in a British society. I see little evidence of help being given therefore the BNP will grow and grow.


My congratulations to Neil and Glenys Kinnock - those veteran socialists. Now Neil and Kinnock have dedicated their lives to improving the lot of the common man through redistribution of wealth, happil they have managed to shift a few pounds into their OWN bank accounts...consider this;
GLENYS KINNOCK, the new minister for Europe, has amassed six publicly funded pensions worth £185,000 per year with her husband Neil, the former leader of the Labour party. They have already received up to £8m of taxpayers’ money in pay and allowances, he as a European commissioner and she as a member of the European parliament.
Power to the people! More Cristal, anyone?