Friday 5th June 2009Britain's leading conservative blog | |
Live blog throughout today ConHome will be inside CCHQ from 11am today and on Sunday with election results (and coverage of Labour's meltdown). Paul Goodman MP to step down at the next General Election, fearing Parliament is becoming a shadow of its former self
Paul Goodman MP on Platform: I'm leaving the Commons before it becomes a place of cowed and toiling drudges WATCH: WebCameron of David Cameron reacting to James Purnell's resignation Today's other newslinks Labour's conspirators believe 100 MPs are ripe for revolt - Independent Brown is the "half-dead" Prime Minister - Polly Toynbee in The Guardian Labour's leadership election rules: how the challenge could proceed - Times Ed Balls's track record at the Treasury makes him unfit to be Chancellor, argues Jeff Randall - Telegraph ...and Darling wants to stay: "There was growing support for Mr Darling from Labour MPs amid warnings that he might not go quietly if Gordon Brown forces him out. Mr Darling is said by colleagues to put great store in his personal integrity: they warn that the chancellor would be dismayed if Mr Brown’s team justified trying to move him from the Treasury on the basis of allegations about his expense claims." - FT Alan Sugar asked to be Gordon Brown's business and enterprise tsar - The Sun Rachel Sylvester: Even if Brown goes, the TB-GBs will continue "After Tony and Gordon have exited stage left, the jostling for position will only intensify. “The TB-GBs will live on in the shape of Balls versus Purnell, or Balls versus Miliband,” says a minister. “The real tragedy is that this may not in fact be the last act of the psychodrama.” - Rachel Sylvester in The Times On Alan Johnson
"Mr Johnson is no “clean skin”. He has been in the Labour government almost since the beginning. In his assorted offices, including his current one—but especially when he helped steer Mr Blair’s plan for variable university-tuition fees through the Commons—he has won a reputation for low-key charm and persuasion. Those skills could matter to Prime Minister Johnson, who would need to create a united government from the traumatised wreck of a party he would inherit." - The Economist's Bagehot "At the next election, the Conservatives intend to stick to their strategy of presenting their party as the one of change, as opposed to “more of the same”. The last thing they want is for Labour to change. Yet it is hard to see how a Johnson candidacy could achieve a convincing generational or ideological shift. He might bring David Blunkett back into the Cabinet, but that would hardly mark a radical break with the past. He would still need to keep Ed Balls and the Milibands onside." - Camilla Cavendish in The Times > Wednesday's ToryDiary: Tories draft a strategy to beat Alan Johnson The Conservatives take four seats and become the second biggest party on Bristol city council behind the Lib Dems - Guardian UKIP threatens to demand rerun of European elections Eurosceptic party claims it has lost votes because its name appears below the fold on the ballot paper - Guardian | Telegraph Kalms likely to be expelled from Conservative Party
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Friday, 5 June 2009
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Britannia Radio