A Kray Twins exclusive! 'We acted at all times within the rules'
Last updated at 4:01 AM on 05th June 2009
One story you may have missed this week in all the kerfuffle over the assisted suicide of Gordon Brown was the revelation that gangland killer Reggie Kray attempted to make a fresh start after being jailed for murder.
While not actually repenting his crimes, he did try to turn over a new leaf.
It's not certain whether Reggie, who with his twin brother Ronnie ran a reign of terror in London's East End in the 1960s, was sincere or this was just a clever ruse to get out of jail.

Reign of terror: The Kray twins were jailed for life for the murders of Jack McVitie and George Cornell
Just imagine if Reg was alive today, being interviewed on the Today programme and employing what we have come to know as the Gordon Brown defence.
It might go something like this. . .
Good morning, I'm Evan Montague. My guest in the studio today is the East End businessman Reginald Kray, who has just been convicted of murder at the Old Bailey.
If I could just stop you there, Evan, you're being a bit previous.
But you and your brother were both found guilty by a jury.
Look, our old mum brought us up with a firm sense of right and wrong, to tell the truth at all times - except to the Old Bill, obviously.
Are you saying you're not guilty?
It was a right fit-up. Frankly, I'm disgusted at what I heard in that court. My conscience is offended.
With respect, 12 men and women weighed the evidence and reached a unanimous verdict.
That's just one rogue poll, based on a very small sample. It's not what we're hearing on the doorstep.
On the doorstep?

Fresh start: Reggie Kray, pictured left with brother Ronnie, spent his last years in jail trying to urge young people not to pursue a life of crime
You knock on any door in Vallance Road, Evan, and people will tell you that what they want is for the Kray Twins to get on with the job.
But you run organised crime rackets and are responsible for a wave of violence and murder. Are you denying your involvement in the Whitechapel bullion robbery?
At least we didn't sell off the gold for a quarter of what it was worth.
But it didn't belong to you.
We only rob those what can afford to pay their fair share. We are providing much-needed jobs in our community in these difficult times.
Such as?
Croupiers, strippers, prostitutes. We are also financing traditional East End trades, such as blagging and demanding money with menaces.
But that's against the law.
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We have acted at all times within the rules.
What rules?
The rules of our organisation. We have a strict code of conduct in our world.
But the public are appalled when they read about some of the things which have been going on.
I'm appalled, too, Evan. I can assure you today that those who have transgressed will be chastised, starting with the slag what grassed us up to the Daily Telegraph. Those guilty of the most serious wrongdoing will not be standing again.
Not standing for what?
Not anything, Evan. Just not standing. Or breathing, come to that.
So you admit you murdered Jack 'The Hat' McVitie?
I have acted at all times within the rules, as has my brother.
But he murdered George Cornell, shot him in the head in the Blind Beggar, after Cornell called him a 'fat poof'.
Cornell's behaviour was wholly unacceptable. Under our rules, lack of respect is punishable by summary execution. Ronnie done nothing wrong.
That's murder, you both deserve to go prison. No one should be above the law.
Why not? Parliament is. If some of them MPs had stolen from us like they stole from the taxpayer, they'd be propping up motorway flyovers.
But, Mr Kray, the public is demanding that the East End is cleaned up, especially the blood on the pavement outside the Blind Beggar.
And I agree with them. That's why I am getting on with the job. Who better to clean the place up than those what created the mess in the first place?
With respect, Mr Kray, you've had at least 12 years to clean up your act, but you've chosen to steal, kill and get rich on the proceeds of crime.
People don't want to dwell on the past, they want to know what we are going to do in the future. Things is going to be different around here from now on.
But you're only saying that because you've been caught red-handed.
I'm glad my old mum can't hear you, son, or I'd have to cut your tongue out. I didn't go into organised crime to get rich. Me and Ron still live in the same house we grew up in. We haven't got second homes, or moats, or porticos or duck houses, unlike some people I could name.
Why should we believe you when you say you are going straight in future?
We're getting rid of the old Gentlemen's Club, for a start. We're turning it into a casino. Now that Labour's introduced 24-hour licensing on every high street, there's no profit in spielers. Our scrapyards are well-placed to take advantage of the Government's scrappage scheme and our counterfeiting department has picked up a nice little contract to help the Treasury with its quantitative easing.
And what next for you, Mr Kray?
I'm thinking of becoming an MP. Who needs the Long Firm game when you can buy a few houses and do them up with taxpayers' money, sell them on and avoid capital gains tax?
What makes you think the public would vote for a criminal as their Member of Parliament?
Silly question, son. Be lucky.
Listen to the people? You must be flippin' joking

Dead man walking: Gordon Brown can expect Labour carnage at the local and European elections
By Sunday night, Gordon Brown will be wading through the carnage of the local and European elections like a Highland Chieftain surveying the battlefield the day after Culloden.
Who knows what will happen next? My instinct has always been that he will superglue himself to his desk in Downing Street and will have to be removed by the kind of SAS operation last seen at the end of the Iranian Embassy siege.
Even before the full horrors of the expenses scandal broke, I told you this Parliament was finished and Gordon was a dead man walking.
But why else is he bothering with a reshuffle, if not to shore up his own position?
The most nauseating aspect of this pantomime is that all the actors are calculating what's in it for themselves, not what's in it for Britain.
Will Caroline follow Hazel and Jacqui over the side, or is she holding out for a 'big' job? Frankly, who gives a monkey's?
Call Me Dave could force a couple of hundred by-elections in September. But it suits him to keep a mortally-wounded Gordon in place for as long as possible.
Even young Cleggy, whom most people think has had a good war, is trying cynically to use the crisis to foist proportional representation on an unwilling public, as if that's got anything to do with the price of duck houses. (Maybe he'll change his tune if 'fair votes' usher the BNP into Brussels this weekend.)
Elsewhere, the Guardian is a joy to behold, especially Pole Dance Polly tying herself in more knots than a schoolgirl's pigtail. Why does anyone take her seriously, given her hilarious track record of partisan stupidity?
The Grauniad has turned on Brown because it fears that 'progressive' politics has been rumbled and a Tory shoo-in would mean the loss of all those lucrative job ads.
By all accounts, the paper's taking dictation from Banana Boy Miliband, who fancies himself as Labour's saviour.
Meanwhile, Gordon just sticks his fingers in his ears and keeps changing the subject, hoping to limp on until the summer recess. Where does he get the idea that people are out there shouting:
'What do we want?' 'A National Convention on Democratic Renewal!'
'When do we want it?' 'Now!' By Sunday night, the wrath of the people will have been weighed. It will make Culloden look like a Teddy Bears' Picnic. So will the rebels get enough signatures to force a leadership challenge?
My guess is that, faced with inevitable redundancy next June under whoever leads them, most Labour MPs will decide to keep taking their six-figure pay and perks package for another year.
If that means putting up with an increasingly grumpy and paranoid Prime Minister, they'll do it - at least until it all kicks off again at the Labour Party conference in the autumn.
And that'll suit Dave just fine, too. With everyone taking collateral damage from the expenses fall-out, no one at Westminster wants an early General Election.
What the people want simply doesn't enter the equation.