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As this country is being bled to death..
They are lining their pockets and watching
its burial.
No acknowledgement of our Military abroad
whilst these rats scrap for morsels.
Brown's 'great admirer' Fiona Phillips admits: 'I'm glad I didn't take the job he offered me'
Last updated at 11:02 PM on 04th June 2009
Television presenter Fiona Phillips weighed in on the Government's leadership on Question Time tonight, admitting Gordon Brown's perceived lack of personality was hindering his premiership.
The former GMTV presenter, who in the past turned down a job in Government, said the prime minister was a passionate, honourable and altruistic man, but this did not come across in 'the age of the 24-hour media'.
She said he did not come across as a 'rounded, proper human being'.

Fiona Phillips on Question Time said she was glad she did not take a job offered by Gordon Brown
In 2007 it emerged that Ms Phillips was offered a ministerial job by Gordon Brown,although the prime minister's advisors played this down to suggest she was asked to front a Government campaign on healthy eating.
On the BBC's Question Time last night, she was asked by presenter David Dimbleby: 'You were offered a job by Gordon Brown and you’re said to be a great admirer of his, is that still the case?
Ms Phillips replied: 'Thank goodness I didn’t take it.......
'It makes my heart sink when I hear people quoting the Guardian, and I think that this is fundamental to what is wrong with Gordon Brown’s government.
'I am a great admirer of his. For people who know him his personality does not come across in the way that he is as a person, he’s passionate, he’s honourable and he’s actually very funny when you speak to him as well.
'And he is in politics for all the right altruistic reasons. However he has a problem putting that across.

Question Time: David Dimbleby takes a question from the audience during Thursday's show
'And in this day and age of 24-hour media, you quote the Guardian, everyone quotes the newspapers, television everything else, he is a liability in that way because he does not come across as a rounded, proper human being.
'He doesn’t speak like one and therefore he doesn’t put his policies, his passionate opinions and his views across in the way that he should and in a way that the British public deserve actually.
'We can’t condemn him for that. That’s his personality. Too much is put on personality these days as well.'
David Dimbleby replied: 'Hang on, hang on, too much is put on personality but his personality means that he should resign?'
She replied: 'Yes but that’s the age we live in. '
She said 'he should sing like Susan Boyle and then everyone will love him'.
Other guests included the Mail's columnist Max Hastings, Baroness Royall, leader of the House of Lords and Former Liberal Democrat leader Lord Ashdown.
Max Hastings said that 'when Gordon Brown talked, people wanted to put an end to it all'.
He received a round of applause when he said: 'The only way to draw a line under this disaster is to have a general election'.
Lord Ashdown said: 'It doesn't matter what we do now, this thing won't be over until the slate is wiped clean, and that's when we have an election. The sooner we can do that the better.
'There will be more damage done to the economy, the Labour party and Gordon Brown himself if he delays for a year'.