German Interior Minister reaffirms commitment to European army In an interview with BBC Hard Talk, German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble was asked about his previous comments in favour of a common European army. He replied saying: "We had polls in different European countries and the question was 'would you prefer a national army or a European army?' and the outcome was about two-thirds for a European army. In Germany it's quite clear, we don't want the use of humanitarian force unilaterally, only together with our partners." When asked about potential British opposition to such an army, he said "We have to have respect for this, it's quite clear. But the United Kingdom, it's a pity but it's the truth, has never been in the lead of European integration. Germany has to be in the lead of European integration... the general direction is undisputed in Germany... No major party has ever tried to get support by a eurosceptic general direction." On the question of Turkish accession to the European Union, he said "I am very interested in very close and trustful relations with Turkey, but I am totally convinced that we will fail in building a political, united Europe if we go far beyond the borders of the European continent....Anatolia, the border to Iraq, is not Europe." In a HARDtalk interview broadcast on 22nd June 2009, Stephen Sackur talks to Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany's Interior Minister. Wolfgang Schäuble, is one of the most senior figures in the ruling Christian Democratic Union party. Germany is going through tough times thanks to the global recession but it remains Europe's strongest economic power. So why do Germany's leaders seem so reluctant to take a lead role in responding to the world's most pressing economic, political and security challenges? Wolfgang Schäuble talks to Stephen Sackur. Hardtalk is shown on the BBC World News at 0330 (except Middle East, South Asia and Asia Pacific), 0830, 1430, 2030 and 2230 GMT (except Middle East and South Asia) HARDtalk is also broadcast on the BBC News channel at 0230, 0430 & 2330Wolfgang Schäuble
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany's Interior Minister
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Britannia Radio