DEBKAfile Special Report June 23, 2009, 10:53 AM (GMT+02:00) Tehran police in full anti-riot gear Iran's top legislative body, the Guardians Council, has thrown out the opposition movement's demand for a new election to correct the allegedly forged results in the poll that re-elected president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on June 12. The decision followed the breakup Monday June 22 of a small demonstration in Tehran's Haf-e Tir Square of up to 1,000 protesters by riot police using tear gas. They were backed baton-wielding Basijj militiamen who mingled with the crowd in civilian clothes. DEBKAfile Special Report June 22, 2009, 8:40 PM (GMT+02:00) Iran's parliament speaker Ali Larijani Monday, June 22, the influential Iranian parliament speaker Ali Larijani proposed a foreign ministry review of Iran's relations with Britain over its "interference in Iran's recent post-election unrest," according to state media. A Foreign Office spokesman then announced: "The ongoing violence has had a significant impact on the families of our staff who have been unable to carry on their lives as normal." DEBKAfile Special Report June 19, 2009, 8:34 AM (GMT+02:00) Differences between President Barack Obama and Vice President Jo Biden were reported – and denied – shortly after the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused the US and Britain of orchestrating riots designed to annul the presidential elections in his Friday sermon at Tehran University, on June 19. Mousavi's aides denied plans for aanother protest rally Saturday, leaving many questions up in the air about his movement's next steps seven days after the disputed election. DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 22, 2009, 10:41 PM (GMT+02:00) Binyamin Netanyahu Ruling circles in Tehran have interpreted a remark by Israel's Mossad director Meir Dagan as signifying Jerusalem's non-interference in the domestic turmoil besetting the regime over the disputed presidential election, DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report. They see Israel lining up with the mainstream Arab governments such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which have watched Iranian unrest for ten days with hardly a word. DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 21, 2009, 8:38 PM (GMT+02:00) Mubarak and Barak - plenty to discuss Israel's defense minister Ehud Barak said his talks in Cairo Sunday, June 21, with President Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian defense minister Gen. Tantawi and intelligence minister Gen. Omar Suleiman were interesting and wide-ranging. Iran obviously figured high on their agenda with both sides trading views, intelligence input and evaluations. From DEBKA-Net-Weekly Updated byDEBKAfile June 21, 2009, 5:37 PM (GMT+02:00) Kh-55 nuclear warhead model As the Islamic Republic slides deeper into unrest eight days after its disputed presidential election, the fate of Iran's nuclear resources is becoming a pressing matter of concern, DEBKA-Net-Weekly's Washington sources reported Friday, June 19. Iran's nuclear program is far more advanced than generally acknowledged in the West; so it is its ballistic missile development. Should factional strife or civil war paralyze central government, those assets would become vulnerable. June 23, 2009, 12:49 PM (GMT+02:00) Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in stern, uncompromising mode In his first public appearance since the disputed presidential election of June 12, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the street rallies were used as the cover for Western "armed terrorist groups." The "street riots" are the wrong way and must stop, or else their leaders would be held responsible for the consequences. DEBKAfile Special Report June 23, 2009, 12:56 PM (GMT+02:00) Suspect North Korean vessel Kang Nam US president Barack Obama appears to be on course for a military showdown with North Korea, Iran and Syria's nuclear collaborator. US satellites and the guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain are shadowing a North Korean vessel suspected of carrying weapons for Myanmar. Obama's non-confrontational stance on the Iran crisis obliges him to apply muscle to the Security Council's sanctions against Pyongyang - or lay himself open to criticism for being soft on both nuclear rogue states. DEBKA-Net-Weekly Exclusive Report June 23, 2009, 10:53 AM (GMT+02:00) Read DEBKA-Net-Weekly's short guide to the backstage rivalries at the top of the regime. See how they impact the extraordinary battle of wills in the streets of Tehran. Don't miss this and other exclusive insights in the coming issue of DEBKA-Net-Weekly out Friday. To subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weeklyclick HERE .Iran's protesters finally rebuffed in call for election annulment
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Tuesday, 23 June 2009
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Britannia Radio