Monday 8 June 2009

Here is your Crux PM update: 

TAXPAYER OUTRAGE: Congress donating your money to... Congress
This should make your blood boil.

These stocks rise faster than any other investment class in the world
"If you're serious about making a fast fortune in the stock market, you should only ever buy these..."

Drillers manipulating nat gas supply; may soar 38% this year
Supply is way down, and the economy is picking up...

Jeff Clark: "Every smart trader I know is massively short the stock market"
Exclusive content from the supertrader's "Direct Line."

This Iowa Senator is a flat out jackass
First, the dumbest ethanol comment of all time, now this...

Why property prices in northwest Louisiana are soaring...
From $4,000 to $28,000 in under 2 years.

Three ETFs to play Jim Rogers' top ideas
Includes a fund he helped create.


The Daily Crux