Monday, 22 June 2009

June 22, 2009

Every "Law" Obama Signs Brings US Closer To...

Let's say that immediately following Obama/Soetoro signing this bill into law, dozens of ministers and preachers exercise their God given First Amendment right to practice their religion by warning their congregations that sexual deviants are after your children in the schools. By warning their faithful that God condemns sodomites and lesbians and that they should reject the agenda of the sexual deviants. The vile, corrupt, Eric Holder, Attorney General of these united States of America, decides to charge all of........
by Devvy Kidd

Laws and Loves

For centuries men have gathered together in order to institute forms of government to secure to themselves and their posterity the blessings of liberty under God by the securing of natural rights. To guarantee the loyalty or fidelity of the members of their community or nation in the face of chaos and calamity, in what is often a perilous world, numerous methods and schemes of society and government have been relied upon.......
by Brother Gregory Williams

Bricks Without Straw

As U.S. government authorities debate “cap-and-trade,” a gigantic new tax and rationing burden with which they plan to further hobble American coal, oil, and natural gas technology, consider for a moment the qualifications and accomplishments of the lawyers, bureaucrats, and now community organizers who have gradually displaced, as energy “decision makers,” the engineers and industrialists who built America’s energy industries......
by Arthur Robinson

Twin Crises: Immigration & Aviation Infrastructure

So, should I give up beating that ‘dead horse’? My father, a U.S. Marine, used to put his arm around my shoulders, “Son, if you feel you are right about something, stand up and speak out…because when you do, you will be speaking for a 1,000 other people who are afraid to stand up and speak out. After you speak up, you will empower them and they will follow you because you gave them the courage within themselves.”.....
by Frosty Wooldridge