Monday, 1 June 2009


Vote for EU referendum

SUN readers have a chance this week to say what they really think 
about the power-hungry European Union.

As the Brussels elite prepare to defy voters and turn the loathed EU 
Constitution into law, that opportunity could not be more timely.

Their arrogant abuse of power flies in the face of opposition from 
the citizens of France, Holland and Ireland who all voted NO in 

Contemptuously, the EU insists they got it wrong and will now pass it 
on the nod.

The Constitution will become law without us in Britain having a word 
to say about it - unless you vote Tory on Thursday.

Most people - especially Sun readers - are furious about this stitch-up.

Gordon Brown has only himself to blame. He and Tony Blair gave us a 
manifesto promise to hold a referendum - and blatantly broke that 

This is no small issue. Once the Constitution is legally binding, it 
will determine the way Britain, and every other member state, is 
governed on all major issues.

Brussels rather than Parliament will dictate how we respond to 
economic, diplomatic and military threats.

The EU will represent us on the world stage. We will have no legal 
right to speak for ourselves on the greatest issues of the day.

Once this deal is done, we will come under relentless pressure to 
dump the Pound and join the Euro.

This is our last chance to halt the final march of unaccountable, 
undemocratic and corrupt EU bureaucrats and politicians.

The Brussels gravy train makes Britain's greedy MPs look like 
amateurs. The difference is that we can kick ours out.

Many voters are tempted by the increasingly credible Libertas. But, 
tempting as their policies may be, Britain needs a voice in Brussels 
that really counts.

David Cameron promises a Tory government will hold a referendum on 
the Constitution if it hasn't been enacted by the next election.

We want a referendum whatever stage this wretched treaty has reached. 
But realistically, the Tories are the only game in town.

The sooner that election is called, the better. Thursday offers us a 
real chance to make sure we get one.

Our advice to Sun readers? If you want your vote to count in Europe, 
vote Tory.