Monday, July 27, 2009
China Confidential
US, Israel Inching Closer to Deal on Settlements

Click here for the Haaretz report. As of this writing, a deal seems to be in the works.
Israel is under tremendous pressure from the United States over the settlements issue. The Obama administration is obsessed with squeezing Israel back behind indefensible borders--the pre-1967 boundaries that the late Israeli foreign minister, Abba Eban, called the "Auschwitz lines."
In the meantime, Islamist Iran is developing nuclear weapons for use against Israel--and the U.S.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Rioting Chinese Steel Workers Kill Plant Manager
N. Korea: No Six-Nation Talks, but Dialogue Possible

North Korea on Monday (local time) reiterated that it would not return to the six-party platform. But the Stalinist/Kimist/criminal regime suggested it was open to direct talks with the United States. Click here for the story.
China Confidential analysts say Pyongyang is playing for time, betting the Obama administration, which the North regards as weak and indecisive, will take the bait.
North Korea has no intention of ever abandoning atomic arms. Like its Islamist ally, nuclear-arming Iran, the North is pursuing an imperialist foreign policy--meaning a policy that aims to overthrow the status quo.
China May Press US on Dollar
Venezuela Doubling Size of its Tank Force

In case you missed the news, Venezuela plans to at least double the number of tanks in its military as part of a broader effort to strengthen its defenses.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said so last Thursday.
“We are going to bring ... several new tank battalions to have an armoured force at least twice the size of what we have today,” the Crackpot of Caracas said in a televised ceremony with military officials.
The announcement came days after Colombia said it was negotiating a deal with Washington to allow more U.S. troops to be deployed on three military bases in the Andean nation. Chavez sharply criticized the move, saying it posed a serious threat to Venezuela.
“The presence of these Yankee troops in Colombia will cause more problems,” Chavez said. “We’re obliged to review our relations with Colombia. The things we buy from Colombia, we’ll have to buy them elsewhere."
Chavez named Brazil and Ecuador as potential substitute suppliers.
India Launches its First Nuclear-Powered Sub

India on Sunday launched its first indigenously built nuclear-powered submarine capable of firing ballistic missiles.
The submarine, once in service, will give the country the capability to fire nuclear weapons from sea besides land and air.
In launching the sub, India joins an exclusive club. Only five other countries--the United States, China, Britain, France and Russia--can design and construct such vessels.
The Indian navy flooded a dry dock in the southern port city of Visakhapatnam to send out the nuclear-powered submarine, named Arihant, for extensive sea trials in the Bay of Bengal.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who launched the submarine, called it a "historic milestone in the country's defense preparedness.
Two Decades in the Making
It has taken India nearly two decades to develop the Arihant, which means "Destroyer of Enemies." It was built with technical assistance from Russia.
Arihant is powered by a nuclear reactor, and will be armed with ballistic missiles. It will carry a crew of about 100 men.
India already has fighter aircraft and missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The Arihant will give India an underwater ballistic missile capability.
India plans to build a fleet of five nuclear-powered submarines.
Defense experts have estimated that India has between 50 and 100 nuclear warheads.
Richest Israeli Says She Has Psychic Powers

Click here. Israel's richest person--the richest woman in the Middle East--says she can often see the future.
British Traitor's Spy Memoir Published
IRGC Turning Iran into Military State

Apparently bent, ironically, on imitating its nuclear-armed, atheist ally, North Korea, Islamist Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps is turning the nuclear-arming country into one of the world's most militarized states. From clerical fascist to fascist--click here for the story about Iran's transformation.
Coal Under Pressure in US, Unlike China

"Coal will burn, and while coal’s fiery nature drives turbines to produce more than half of the nation’s electrical energy as well as heats iron to make steel, coal has also fueled an often emotional debate between people who depend on coal to make a living, and people who believe coal’s impact on the environment is too costly a price to pay."
Continue reading here.
US Gasoline Prices Drop Seven Cents

Good news for ordinary Americans, bad news for petro-tyrants and petro-terrorists, and global warming scaremongers and scammers and other environmental extremists.
Gasoline prices are down across the nation.
Unfortunately for the hard-pressed country, however, the prices are probably heading north again in the near future.
Click here for the story, and here for an excellent energy information resource.
Al Gore's Home Hit by Global Cooling

Click here. The news would be funny if it wasn't so tragic ... if the charlatan who parlayed a slide show into a Nobel Prize and an Academy Award had not succeeded in bamboozling a nation into accepting the absurd notion that carbon dioxide is a form of pollution.
In addition to Nashville, Tennessee, New York City is also experiencing record cold summertime temperatures. Read all about ithere.
Global warming scammers say this is simply part of the phenomenon. They claim that manmade warming (a myth) somehow causes cooling that turns into warming.
Right. And this reporter has a bridge in Brooklyn for sale....
Bibi Says Israel Seeks 'Understanding' with US

He has no choice. The rift that has opened as a result of the Obama administration's tilt toward "the Muslim world" is alarming the Jewish State's leaders, citizens, and supporters.
In other Israel-related news, the stock market in Tel Aviv is booming. Click here for Sunday's report. Interestingly, Israel's real estate market, with the exception of the luxury end of the market, has not been hard hit by the global recession.
British Lawmakers Urge Hamas 'Engagement'

Upset over U.S. foreign policy? Check out the action across the pond. The pro-appeasement lobby is gaining, as indicated by the following report from London (also known as Londonistan).
A group of British lawmakers today released a report urging the government to talk with moderates in the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip.
The British Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee said the current policy of not talking to Hamas is achieving little.
The report published Sunday reinforces a recommendation the committee made two years ago.
Two Days of US-China Talks Start Monday

Chinese officials will hold their first round of high-level strategic and economic talks with the Obama administration this week in Washington, a two-day event U.S. officials say they hope will lead to greater economic, environmental and security cooperation between the two countries.
U.S. officials say the Obama administration's first annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue with China comes at an important time for the two countries as they work to recover from the global financial crisis and seek opportunities to work together on issues such as climate change, trade and terrorism.
Massive Chinese Delegation
The meetings on Monday and Tuesday will be co-chaired by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. China is sending a massive delegation of 150 officials, the largest it has ever sent to the United States.
Beijing's official entourage will be led by State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Vice Premier Wang Qishan.
U.S. President Barack Obama will deliver an address at the beginning of the discussions on Monday.
Two-Track Talks
The two-track talks--economic and strategic --are a broader extension of economic talks that began under the previous U.S. administration of George W. Bush.
In April, Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao agreed to begin holding the annual meeting this year and alternate the venue between Washington and Beijing each year.
U.S. officials say that one of the most important messages they will take to the meeting is that while the U.S. economy is going to recover, its economy will not driven by Americans buying foreign goods.
They also say they will urge China to rely less on exports and more on expanding its domestic markets to fuel its economic growth.
Business representatives and industry analysts say they are hopeful the meeting will see progress; but they do not expect earth-shattering results.