The agenda is pretty clear. As Obama shows his pro-Arabist credentials by pushing Israel to give up its own territory, the BBC has an interesting take on these matters. This morning BBC correspondent Katja Alder referred to East Jerusalem as "occupied" territory as is "the rest of the West Bank" - under "International law". Her point was that unless Israel can accept East Jerusalem as a future capital of a Palestinian State there may not be the sort of progress Obama wants. The meme is always the same - Israel is the barrier to achieving "peace". I see that class warrior Lord Peter Mandelson is to call on our Universities to become "engines of social mobility" later today. The BBC covered this here,with an interview with Dr Wendy Piatt, director general of the Russell Group which represents the 20 top universities. Sarah Montague was relentlessly pushing the patronising idea that Universities should accept a lower set of "A" level results from those from a "disadvantaged" background, although Piatt gave a decent enough defence. However what worries me is that the Universities will go along with the Mandelson line so long as they get to hike tuition fees. The BBC, like Labour, continually pushes the "All must have prizes" Dodo mentality and it rarely gives time to those who advocate that standards must be maintained at all costs and that the primary role of a University is to educate - not to facilitate the creed of socialism.THOSE BAD BANKERS
>> MONDAY, JULY 27, 2009
Our caring sharing Chancellor Alistair Darling is calling in the Banks later today to find out why they are not lending to the degree he expects.
On Today, BBC favourite John McFall was brought in to reiterate the main talking points with Angela Knight, chief executive of the British Bankers' Association.
The interview was set up with the story of a small businessman who owns a successful coffee-shop and who seeks to take over another one and can't get a loan from the local bank. The punchline was that there is a lot of "red-tape" involved in the small business loan area and banks are unfairly refusing to loan.
I thought Knight did rather well in explaining the position of ANY sensible lender. Naturally some sectors, such as Catering, are very vulnerable in a recession, and I would not blame any Bank which is cautious. Let us remember that this recession was brought about by reckless lending. Yet that is exactly what the Government via Darling and McFall are insisting the Banks continue with.
Well, for the benefit of Ms Alder, East Jerusalem is NOT "occupied" territory. Nor, for that matter, is there any such place as "the West Bank". I think she may be referring to Judea and Samaria. In which case she is right, it is indeed "occupied" by Palestinians. Shouldn't they leave now?
We all know that when it comes to portraying the Palestinians as poor oppressed unfortunates, the BBC truly excels. As Obama brings US political power to bear on Israel, I trust that Netanyahu shows some steel and does not accept the outrageous demands being thrust upon Israel this week.ENGINES OF SOCIAL MOBILITY?
Monday, 27 July 2009
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Britannia Radio