That's the sound of the BBC going way overboard in covering what they seem to think is a big scandal of Dick Cheney's doing- some secret "plan" concocted with the CIA without Senate knowledge. Last week it was phone-tapping of public figures in the UK by the News of the World, this week Dick Dastardly and his Mutley CIA. Well just as last week's soft scoop has turned into a damp squib, so will this one, probably. The thing that gets me about this "plan" is that as the BBC admit, "even now its nature is not known". Wouldn't it be better to wait until it was before screaming blue murder? Especially as this is midway through a partisan spat focussing on whether House Speaker Pelosi lied about briefings from the CIA. I'm not sure if the BBC is trying to influence anybody (as if, eh?), but this storm in a teacup strongly suggests to me that Aunty's bias is showing. I see that the Sunday Times reveals how judging by the Golden Globe television awards, the prize for best free trip and luxury hotel stayshould go to . . . the BBC! This strikes me as a criminal waste of our cash in order that the BBC can lobby for awards for itself. It's narcissistic,indulgent and evidence of how the BBC promotes itself using our money. Wonder what you think of the comments by Peter Sissons, the veteran newsreader who announced his retirement last month, claiming and accusing producers of being too mired in political correctness to do anything about it? Yes, the headline you thought you would never see! Sort of. I comment the following compilation by G.O.T. of those key moments when the BBC could be trusted - enjoy.Splash!
>> SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2009
It has emerged that the corporation spent tens of thousands of pounds flying directors, producers and stars from one of its leading costume dramas to Hollywood so that they could lobby for prizes at award festivals. A seven-strong contingent from the BBC1 series Cranford – including Dame Judi Dench, Dame Eileen Atkins and Imelda Staunton – flew business-class to lobby for nominations to the Emmys and Golden Globe awards last year. They and the BBC production team stayed at luxury hotels favoured by some of Hollywood’s biggest names. A second trip was made to the Golden Globe ceremony itself.
Writing in The Mail on Sunday today, he says: 'At today's BBC, a complaint I often heard from senior producers was that they dared not reprimand their subordinates for basic journalistic mistakes - such as getting ages, dates, titles and even football scores wrong - it being politically incorrect to risk offending them.'
Monday, 13 July 2009
I think this in less than half the story. It is not the sheer amateurish of much of the current output, it is the visceral leftist bias that lies behind it. Not so sure Sissons can see that aspect of the problem. Thoughts?
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Britannia Radio