Sunday, July 19, 2009
Dateline Jerusalem: Qatari Islamist Funding Hamas Activities in Israel's Capital; Israel Resisting Obama Pressure to Surrender to Hitlerian Monsters
Haaretz reports:Qatar-based Sheikh Yousuf Qaradawi has allocated $21 million to a charity funded by Hamas to allow the Palestinian group to buy land and set up infrastructure in Jerusalem, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin said on Sunday.
Qaradawi, an 82-year-old Egyptian-born Muslim scholar with strong links to the Muslim Brotherhood, is a keen supporter of suicide bombings in Israel, which he describes as "martyrdom operations.
Abbas aide Rafiq Husseini dismissed the report. "We wish there was Arab money to buy threatened houses," he told The Associated Press, "but that's not the case." Qaradawi could not be reached for comment.
Diskin made the comments during the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. He also told the ministers that the Palestinian Authority and its security forces have been working actively to thwart the sale of Palestinian land to Jews, particularly in East Jerusalem.
He added that Hamas was placing political and diplomatic moves higher on its agenda. Diskin said public statements by senior Hamas officials show the militant group's efforts to portray itself as interested in an end to the conflict with Israel.
The officials say they seek a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 borders in exchange for a long-term hudna, or ceasefire, Diskin said.
"This is not because of an abandonment of fundamental ideological values," he noted. "Hamas' move toward to the political theater is designed to challenge the sole leadership of Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas]."
The security service chief also told ministers that there had been a steady trickle into Gaza of foreigners linked to global jihad.
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The Jerusalem Post reports Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not go along with the Obama administration's demands to stop Jews from living in their ancient capital."What does [US President Barack Obama] think to himself? That after I built 20,000 homes in Jerusalem during my last term I'm going to stop the building of 20 more?" Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reportedly said Sunday in closed conversations, according to Channels 10 and 2.
Netanyahu's remarks came after Israel's Ambassador to Washington Michael Oren was summoned to the US State Department over the weekend and was told that the Obama administration wanted Israel to put an end to construction work at the site of the historic Shepherd's Hotel in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.
Sources close to the prime minister said that Obama "had crossed a red line" when his administration began demanding Israel cease building projects in its sovereign capital.
Earlier, during Sunday's cabinet meeting, Netanyahu remarks took a much softer tone, but the gist of his statement was similar. "Jerusalem is the "unified capital of Israel and the capital of the Jewish people, and sovereignty over it is indisputable," he said.
Click here for the Times' piece.The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming
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China and India are right to resist Western demands for carbon emissions cuts. Though they won't admit it publicly, Chinese and Indian political leaders suspect or are convinced that manmade global warming is a manmade hoax, that the branding of carbon dioxide as pollution is junk science aimed at creating yet another speculative financial bubble--the buying, selling, and leveraging of hot air in the form of carbon credits. The charlatan Al Gore and Goldman Sachs stand to make mountains of money from this scam, made possible by government mandates, rules, restrictions, and other measures that will choke off energy supplies, starve communities, pauperize the middle classes, crush the poor, cripple industry, condemn the United States to a state of permanent industrial and economic decline ... and line the pockets of the fakers and fraudsters.
Islamists Rape Iranian Girls Before their Executions
Members of Islamist Iran's dreaded Basij militia systematically rape young Iranian female prisoners prior to their executions--on orders of the top turbaned tyrant, a man who should be dead or on trial for crimes against humanity instead of in power and on the receiving end of Barack Obama's pathetic appeals for "engagement."
Click here for the story, and here for commentary.
Finally, click here for background on the above monster--a Basij killer.Taliban Release Video of Captured US Soldier
The Taliban have released a disturbing video of a captured American soldier pleading for his life. Click here for the story.
This is what comes from fighting World War III with CNN rules of engagement. The Taliban should have been wiped out ... annihilated ... by any and all means ... including nuclear weapons ... within weeks of 9/11. They should no longer exist. Instead, the Bush administration took too long to do too little, relying on special operations forces and notoriously unreliable Afghan warlords for most of the fighting. The United States succeeded in pushing the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan, alright, but failed to destroy them. As a result, the Islamist scum now not only threaten to retake Afghanistan (the government there barely controls the capital, Kabul), but Pakistan, too, with its nuclear arsenal.
And the Obama administration, bent on appeasing and aligning with Islamist Iran and Islamism in general, is even willing to "engage" so-called reconcilable elements of the Taliban--supposed moderates swept along by the Islamist tide. In fact, there are no moderate Islamists, just as there were no moderate Nazis. Failure to face and deal with this reality will prolong the long war with radical Islam and lead to a series of catastrophes, including Islamist nuclear attacks on Western cities.Campaign to Demonize Israel Intensifies
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Israel's Second National Anthem
EDITOR'S NOTE: Readers interested in supporting and defending a united Jerusalem should click here.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Click below for the interview.
Click here for the story. Political and legal warfare against Israel is intensifying. Its enemies see the so-called two-state solution as a temporary step toward the destruction or step-by-step dismantlement of the Jewish State.
As the Obama administration abandons and betrays Israel ... and pressures its leaders to withdraw to indefensible borders in order to facilitate the creation of a so-called Palestinian state in the liberated lands of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem itself ... eternal capital of the Jewish people and its miraculously reborn, modern state ... the only democracy in the Middle East ... the China Confidential team presents Israel's second national anthem, after Hatikva, Jerusalem of Gold, originally composed by Naomi Shemer in 1967. This version was sung by Ofra Haza , the late, great Israeli artist, at a concert in 1998, celebrating 50 years of Israeli independence. The Video is subtitled in both English and Hebrew, so that it may be fully understood by everyone.
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Britannia Radio