MPs Ignore Public Anger and Give Themselves £9,000 Expenses Deal by Stealth 'The Daily Telegraph can disclose that MPs have devised a new scheme allowing them to claim a £25-a-night “subsistence” allowance when staying away from their designated main home. The controversial payments for MPs have been approved despite widespread outrage at unjustified expense claims following the disclosures made by this newspaper. Tories oppose Gordon Brown's expenses reformsThe allowance, which is almost double the previous £4,800-a-year limit for unreceipted claims, is paid on top of expenses for mortgage interest, rent, council tax and utility bills.' BBC May Broadcast Educational Programmes if Swine Flu Shuts Schools 'The BBC could be forced to clear its schedules to make way for educational programming if a swine flu pandemic shuts schools. The Times has learnt that the Government is considering invoking a previously unused emergency clause in the BBC’s operating agreement to pipe lessons straight into pupils’ living rooms. The corporation has denounced the plan as akin to a “government takeover”.' Mandatory Flu Vaccines for All New York Health Workers Proposed 'The state Department of Health is proposing mandatory flu vaccines for all health care workers in the state. The new rule would apply not just to staff, but to anyone who potentially comes into direct contact with patients. That includes contract workers, students and volunteers. The proposal, which is still in draft form, would apply to everyone working in hospitals, diagnostic and treatment centers, certified home health agencies, long-term home health care programs, AIDS home care programs, licensed home care services agencies, and hospices. A separate rule is pending in the Legislature that applies to nursing home workers.' Castle Doctrine Dies in Texas 'Police can arrest people who don’t leave town under mandatory evacuation orders under a new state law that goes into effect in the heart of Texas’ hurricane season,” reports the Associated Press. “As it stands, officials cannot compel people to evacuate, only warn that those who stay behind won’t have any emergency services at their disposal.” The new law gives county judges and mayors the power to authorize use of “reasonable force” to remove people from the area.'Tuesday, 28 July 2009 Tuesday, 28 July 2009 Tuesday, 28 July 2009 Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
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Britannia Radio