Tuesday, July 28, 2009
china confidential
Obama Only Tough on Israel
The appeaser-in-chief is only tough when it comes to pressuring Israel, as shown by this approving piece (of ...) in the New York Times. European Islamist supporters and sympathizers--the Useful Idiots of the West--are apparently delighted by the Obama administration's anti-Israel tilt.
And that is no exaggeration--the term anti-Israel. Regardless of his motives, President Obama is effectively an adversary of Israel and the Jewish people. His policies are designed to increase Muslim influence, diminish the importance of the American Jewish community, shrink Israel in order to create a second Arab state in Palestine (i.e. a Hamas-ruled state in addition to the Hashemite-ruled Kingdom of Jordan), and accommodate (appease) radical Islam in general and Islamist Iran in particular.
Except for Al Qaeda and its affiliated and associated groups, every Islamist group on earth is a potential partner for engagement with the United States in Obama's eyes.
POSTSCRIPT: It's only a matter of time, in this reporter's opinion, before administration stooges start floating the concept of "reconcilable" Al Qaeda--supposed dupes of the "real" Al Qaeda who will be described as merely being swept along, and so on and so forth....Socialist Website Warns World Financial System Could Collapse; Central Bankers Running Scared
US and China Hold Private, Pointed Talks
Click here for the AP report. China is worried about protectionist tendencies ... and protecting Chinese investments in the US.
Confronting Islamist Iran's Vicious Misogyny
Tarek Fatah writes:When the Prague Spring failed in 1968, few people believed that the seeds of dissent that had been crushed under the weight of Soviet tanks would blossom 20 years later to bring about the demise of the U. S. S. R. itself. A similar summer of discontent and rebellion has blossomed in Tehran in 2009, and I would venture to say that, this time around, it will not take two decades for the ossified state structure to come crashing down.
The reason: This time, it is the mothers and daughters of Iran who have rebelled against the Islamic Republic of Iran and have come out in the streets to lead the men.
For 30 years, an entire nation has been subjected to imprisonment, torture, murder and -- unnoticed by the world -- the institutional rape of its daughters, all in the name of Islam. No other dictatorial society, not even the Saudis, have used rape as a tool of subjugation as the Iranian ruling ayatollahs have. Perversely, it has been dressed up as an act of piety and religiosity.
This truth is beginning to come out in the open....
Continue here. The essay is essential reading.A Prophetic Warning from a US Ally
"The stability and the security of the region and the free world depends on the stability and the security of the Iranian nation. If Iran and the future generation of the Iranians are compromised and if fear and terror to be imposed on Iran, the rest of the world will not be immune of its consequences."
-Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Click here for the Trotskyist analysis. It's terrifying.
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Britannia Radio